Easy Daily Meditation Practice (15-min)

Easy Meditation Practice for Beginners

Easy 15-min meditation practice – perfect for daily use. This 15-minute meditation is appropriate for all levels — it’s my go-to daily meditation to help me deal with the chaos of life 🙂 I hope you love it too.

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Meditation is such a vital part of staying sane. If you’re looking to develop a daily meditation practice, this easy meditation is perfect for you. It’s just 15 minutes, appropriate for beginner to advanced yogis, and cleanses the main energy channel up and down the spinal column for increased health, vitality (and calmness)!

A daily meditation practice can change your life.

Make sure you are sitting correctly in your meditation by watching this video.

If you liked this video, you’re a great candidate for my yoga eCourse covering modifications and how to be your own best teacher. Get the course 50% off by clicking HERE.
beginner yoga course

PROPS BY CHATTRA! Thank you Chattra for supporting free yoga online!

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**Free $55+ tote bag** with purchase of meditation shawl, use code BLTOTE at checkout (expires 3/15)

Order now and enjoy!


The 2 shifts that helped me breakthrough my negativity & fall in love with my practice
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Watch this video on Youtube here.


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February 18, 2015