What Is Somatic Awareness? Benefits and How To Increase It

What Is Somatic Awareness? Benefits and How To Increase It

By now, you’ve probably heard the word “somatic” somewhere on the Internet and maybe you’re thinking: What does it even mean?! Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. Somatics literally means having to do with the body. So what is...
9 Signs of a Divine Feminine Awakening

9 Signs of a Divine Feminine Awakening

Have you ever heard the term GOFL? It means “Goddess of Fun and Light.” I heard it a few years ago, and now, I incorporate it into all my teachings. What I love the most about this fun catch phrase is that it basically stands for the divine feminine. In...
Signs Of Blocked Feminine Energy (And How To Unblock It)

Signs Of Blocked Feminine Energy (And How To Unblock It)

On your journey of self-exploration, you’ve probably had the same AHA moment I did: Energy is everything! That’s right, there are profound energies that live within each of us. It’s up to each of us to learn how to keep our individual energy...
Life Coach Marketing: A Comprehensive Guide For Long-Term Growth

Life Coach Marketing: A Comprehensive Guide For Long-Term Growth

So, you are certified to be a life coach, marketing coach, relationship coach, etc. You have set up your online business accounts. You have gained a little bit of a following. Now, you are ready to start marketing and develop a life coach marketing plan. Life Coach...
Physical Symptoms Of Solar Plexus Chakra Opening

Physical Symptoms Of Solar Plexus Chakra Opening

Let me ask you some personal questions! Be honest. How driven are you feeling? Could you take over the world or barely get out of bed? How is your digestion recently? Multiple bowel movements a day or not even once a day? These questions are answered by the energy of...
What Is Somatic Yoga? Everything You Need To Know

What Is Somatic Yoga? Everything You Need To Know

You may have seen or heard the word “somatic yoga” on the internet lately and have been thinking ….”what on earth does that mean?!” or “is this a new kind of yoga class?”.  Short answer, no it’s not. Somatics is its own physical practice that’s...