Symptoms Of Blocked Crown Chakra & Healing Techniques

Symptoms Of Blocked Crown Chakra & Healing Techniques

You’ve made it to the top of the rainbow bridge🌈 (the seven chakras). Congratulations, you’ve gone through the first six chakras and are ready for the final step to Universal Consciousness, the Crown Chakra. Did you know, not only will you receive Divine Energy...
Vasti Kriya: 3 Yogic Intestinal Cleanses

Vasti Kriya: 3 Yogic Intestinal Cleanses

Vasti Kriya, also known as Basti Kriya or Wasti, is one of the six shatkarmas (also referred to as shat kriyas) mentioned in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. This text is prominent in the Hatha yoga lineage. You can think of the shatkarmas as purification practices designed...
How To Create Powerful Self Love Daily Affirmations

How To Create Powerful Self Love Daily Affirmations

Self-love is the most important type of love and the least talked about. Even after years of practice, giving myself love is harder than giving love to others.  Self love daily affirmations can create more self-love! Let’s talk about how to do it!  Start...
Yoga Cultural Appropriation: How To Respect Yoga’s Origin

Yoga Cultural Appropriation: How To Respect Yoga’s Origin

You’ve heard of cultural appropriation and may have wondered if you have appropriated Indian or South Asian culture in your yoga practice or yoga teaching. Yoga has a deep cultural history.  Let’s try and sail the murky waters of what yoga cultural...
Blocked Sacral Chakra Symptoms & Healing Techniques

Blocked Sacral Chakra Symptoms & Healing Techniques

Let’s talk about your pleasure center… I’m not talking sexual pleasure per se, I’m talking about Svadhisthana, your Sacral Chakra. This powerful energy center, located in the lower abdomen, is your source of sensuality, pleasure, creativity, fluidity, and joy. So...
The 3 Archetypes: Yoga Personality Types & Choosing A YTT

The 3 Archetypes: Yoga Personality Types & Choosing A YTT

What is your yoga personality? Are you the caring, compassionate Healer? The strong and empowering Queen? Or the motherly and protective Matriarch?  These three archetypes embody distinct qualities and energies that can enhance and deepen your yoga journey. ...