For newbies to Kundalini yoga, the chanting can be a *bit* overwhelming at first. Truth be told? I thought the chanting was a bit culty before I learned more about the why behind it.  Chanting mantras not only focuses the mind and oxygenates the brain (you’ll feel clear-headed and calm afterwards!); chants connect us to the Divine. With the current energy shift we’re all riding through with the arrival of the Aquarian Age, mantras offer an incredibly potent way to tune in to the present moment of profound transformation. This article introduces the Aquarian Mantras, what they mean, and how they’re practiced. 

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What Are The Aquarian Mantras?

Given by Yogi Bhajan in the first Aquarian Sadhana in 1992, the Aquarian Mantras are essential to the morning sadhana practiced by Kundalini Yogis and many Sikhs (though some claim it is not part of Sikhism). Sadhana is a dedicated daily spiritual practice and is foundational to harnessing the power of Kundalini energy. I teach these mantras in my 200 hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training alongside Guru Singh, along with a whole set of tools to broadcast your unique soul through light and sound into this new age.

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What are mantras, anyway? Mantras are words/phrases call forward the frequency for healing and focus on a particular subject. Each chakra has its own mantra, for example; they’re known as the Bija mantras, and chanting them immerses you in the energy center you’re focusing on. Same goes for the Aquarian Mantras, which are chanted in a blend of Punjabi, English and Sanskrit. They’re written in gurmukhi, which is the script used by Sikhs to write Punjabi.

These mantras are one of four parts of the full 2 ½ hour long Aquarian Sadhana that traditionally takes place before sunrise. They each have a purpose and meaning, and are chanted for a specific amount of time to awaken Kundalini energy. 

aquarian mantras seated chakra graphic

1. The Morning Call

Also known as the Adi Shakti Mantra, this mantra is an ashtang mantra – done in a rhythm of eight. It’s chanted for 7 minutes without musical accompaniment. Associated with transition and The Golden Chain, this mantra awakens spiritual energy and calms the mind. At Kundalini University, we understand the Golden Chain as the spiritual connection every yogi has to all the teachers who have come before you.

During the Adi Shakti Mantra, one applies the throat lock to channel Kundalini energy upwards, connecting one’s soul with the Universal Soul.

Ek Ong Kaar

Sat Nam 

Siri Wahe Guru

One Creator created this Creation

Truth is Their Name

Great beyond description is His Infinite Wisdom

2. Waah Yantee

The Waah Yantee mantra is also chanted for 7 minutes. It strengthens our connection to the infinite self beyond the physical world and unleashes our intuition.

Waah Yantee

Kar Yantee

Jag Dut Patee

Aadak It Waahaa

Brahmaadeh Tresha Guru

It Wahe Guru

Great Macro-self

Creative Self

All that is creative through time

All that is the Great One

Three aspects of God: Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh

That is Wahe Guru

3. Mul Mantra

These words were taken from Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism. By chanting the Mul Mantra, one expands creativity and optimism, while letting go of pain and sorrow. It is also chanted for 7 minutes.

Ek Ong Kar

Sat Nam

Kartaa Purkh



Akaal Moorat



Gur Prasad 


Aad Sach

Jugaad Sach

Haibhee Sach

Nanak Hosee Bhee Sach

One Creator created this Creation

Truth is God’s Name

Doer of everything





Self Illumined

It is by Guru’s Grace

Repeat and Meditate!

True in the beginning

True through all the ages

True even now

 Nanak says Truth shall ever be

4. Sat Siri Siri Akal

Chanting this mantra one acknowledges that we are all timeless, deathless beings allowing ourselves to let go of fear. It is chanted for 7 minutes.

Sat Siri, Siri Akaal

Siri Akaal, Mahaa Akaal

Mahaa Akaal, Sat Naam

Akaal Moorat, Wahe Guru

Great Truth, Great Undying

Great Undying, Great Deathless

Great Deathless, Truth is God’s Name

Deathless Image of God

5. Rakhay Rakhanhaar

According to Yogi Bhajan, this mantra is “for protection against all negative forces, both inner and outer, which move against one’s walk on the path of destiny.  It cuts like a sword through every opposing vibration, thought, word and action.” It is chanted for 7 minutes.

Rakhay rakhanahaar aap ubaariaun,

Gur kee pairee paa-eh kaaj savaariun,

hoaa aap dayaal manaho na visaariun,

saadh janaa kai sung bhavajal taariun,

saakat nindak dusht khin maa-eh bidaariun,

tis saahib kee tyk Naanak manai maa-eh,

Jis simrat sukh ho-eh sagalay dookh jaa-eh

God is looking out for us, gives us the light, and takes care of our affairs.

God is merciful, and never forgets us. God guides us, giving us good people to help us.

God does not allow hurt to come to us. I take comfort in the thought of God.

When I remember God, I feel peaceful and happy and all my pain departs.

6. Wahe guru Wahejio

For this mantra, start seated in Virasana, hero pose. Then, sit on your left heel and place your right foot flat on the ground with your right knee upright. Bring your hands into prayer pose.  This mantra initiates the state of bliss or ecstasy. It is chanted for 22 minutes. It’s definitely challenging to maintain this seated posture for the length of the mantra – just do your best! Adjust your seat as needed to another seated position that allows you to breathe deeply as you chant.

Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Wahe Jio

Indescribably great is His Infinite, Ultimate Wisdom

7. Guru Ram Das

The words Guru Guru Wahe Guru project the mind to the Infinite while Guru Ram Das Guru calls to the wisdom that serves infinite being.

With the Guru Ram Das chant praise is given to Guru Ram Das. It is one of humility opening our hearts to effortlessly radiate universal love. It is chanted for 5 minutes.

Guru Guru Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das Guru

Teacher, Wonderous Teacher, God, Teacher Ram Das Remover of Darkness

8. Long Time Sun

It so happens that the closing song is of Scottish origin. Introduced to Yogi Bhajan in the US, it became the closing prayer to all of his Kundalini Yoga classes. It is often used to conclude traditional Kundalini classes, as well as the Aquarian Sadhana.

May the long time sun shine upon you, all love surround you,

and the pure light within you, guide your way on.

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