What Is Kundalini Standing Archer Pose?

What Is Kundalini Standing Archer Pose?

Remember how strong, determined and brave the archer character of Katniss Everdeen was in Hunger Games? Would you believe me if I told you that by holding a similar archer’s position in your body you can increase your own courage, self esteem, and inner power? It’s...
How To Do Humble Warrior Pose

How To Do Humble Warrior Pose

(Baddha Virabhadrasana): Techniques, Benefits, Variations Level – Intermediate Humble Warrior (Baddha Virabhadrasana) Humble Warrior Pose Prep & Practice 1 From Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I), use an exhalation to bring both hands behind you. 2 Interlace the...
How To Do Four-Limbed Staff Pose

How To Do Four-Limbed Staff Pose

(Chaturanga Dandasana): Techniques, Benefits, Variations Level – AdvancedFour-Limbed Staff Pose(Chaturanga Dandasana)  Four-Limbed Staff Pose Prep & Practice 1 Beginning in Plank Pose, on an inhalation, shift heart and shoulders slightly forward.  Exhale...
How To Do Half Split Pose

How To Do Half Split Pose

(Ardha Parsvottanasana): Techniques, Benefits, Variations Level – Beginner Half Split Pose Ardha Parsvottanasana   Half Split Pose Prep & Practice 1 Starting in a Low Lunge (Anjaneyasana) with your right foot forward and the left leg back, slowly shift...
How To Do Lunge with Prayer Twist Pose

How To Do Lunge with Prayer Twist Pose

(Namaskar Parsvakonasana): Techniques, Benefits, Variations Level – Intermediate Lunge with Prayer Twist Pose (Namaskar Parsvakonasana) Lunge with Prayer Twist Pose Prep & Practice 1 Starting in a High Lunge (Alana) with the right foot forward, bring the...
How To Do Standing Forward Fold

How To Do Standing Forward Fold

(Uttanasana): Techniques, Benefits, Variations Level – Beginner Standing Forward Fold (Uttanasana) Easy Pose Prep & Practice 1 Beginning in Mountain pose (Tadasana) at the top of the mat.  On an inhalation, arms sweep slightly forward and up, fingers reaching...