Pregnancy is a time of transformation—physically, emotionally, and spiritually. And if you’re already practicing yoga, you probably know how powerful it can be for easing discomfort, reducing stress, and helping you connect with your baby. But did you know that...
Your bags are packed… you’re ready to go… HAVE A BABY! What a magical time in your life. You are in the home stretch of your pregnancy journey. You are probably feeling excited, nervous, and maybe some back pain, shortness of breath, and fatigue....
Raise your hand if you’ve ever peed a little when you sneeze, cough, laugh, or jump. Or maybe you have some unexplained pelvic pain you’re embarrassed to ask your doctor about. As a mother of 4, I can tell you I have and it’s not fun! Perhaps you think...
How often do you feel sick to your stomach? For me, it can be pretty often…which is no fun. So many things can cause nausea! Anxiety, excitement, anger, intense pain, morning sickness, motion sickness, food poisoning, the list could go on and on! With...
Congratulations, you’re having a baby! Now is the time for questions that lead to research that leads to… TA-DA! More questions. I’ve been there! You’re probably here because you’re caught between two worlds; you’re considering a...
Congratulations! You’re pregnant! Your heart is probably overflowing with the joy of motherhood! ….Aaaaaand your mind is probably filled with at least a few oh crap types of thoughts as you embark on the most epic 40-week rollercoaster ride of your...