How Much to Charge for Zoom Yoga Class: A Practical Pricing Guide

How Much to Charge for Zoom Yoga Class: A Practical Pricing Guide

When it comes to how much to charge for Zoom yoga class, it can feel tricky to strike the right balance between affordability and value. This is an issue that arises with all online yoga classes. Luckily, I’ve been teaching online yoga classes for years—and I...
Comprehensive Guide to Your Yoga Service Agreement

Comprehensive Guide to Your Yoga Service Agreement

When you first start working as a yoga instructor, it can be easy to focus on the joy of teaching. But every yoga business and yoga studio needs a yoga instructor service agreement. Essentially, when you start to teach yoga, you want a formal document that will set...
How to Teach Somatic Yoga to Beginners

How to Teach Somatic Yoga to Beginners

Somatic practices are increasing in popularity (yay!) and somatic yoga is no exception.  If you’re a yoga teacher curious to bring somatic movement into your classes but unsure how… let me help. A lot of your students may not be familiar with this style of...