Somatic Workouts: A Guide to Healing and Connection

Somatic Workouts: A Guide to Healing and Connection

“Somatic” seems to be a buzzword in the health and wellness industry right now. And you’re probably wondering what the heck a somatic workout is and how is it different from any other workout?!  Somatic exercises are actually a great way to soothe your nervous...
What Is Sat Nam Rasayan? How And When To Practice

What Is Sat Nam Rasayan? How And When To Practice

Do you believe that your thoughts have an impact on your body and health?  Within the Kundalini yoga tradition exists a specific healing modality called Sat Nam Rasayan. Through meditation, your mind comes to a neutral state of clarity in which healing can occur....
The Wild Woman Archetype: Characteristics & Challenges

The Wild Woman Archetype: Characteristics & Challenges

What’s your biggest creative dream? Maybe you want to write a book, start a podcast, or have your photographs featured in your local gallery. Or maybe you want to start a flower stand, sell your home baked muffins, or lead others on their spiritual path through...
The Lover Archetype: Characteristics & Challenges

The Lover Archetype: Characteristics & Challenges

Have you ever had one of those days where everything seems to go your way? The sun is shining a little brighter, you have a skip in your step, and it’s like you see the world in technicolor. In those moments, you’re tapping into the Lover archetype. Lover...
The Mystic Archetype: Characteristics & Challenges

The Mystic Archetype: Characteristics & Challenges

Are you a spiritual seeker? Maybe you desire to commune with the divine, unravel the secrets of the universe, or delve into the mystical realms beyond ordinary perception. You probably have tarot cards, an oracle deck, and some sage in your living space. Or maybe you...
The Huntress Archetype: Characteristics & Challenges

The Huntress Archetype: Characteristics & Challenges

Picture a skilled warrior, navigating the wild with confidence and grace… She’s more than just a master of her environment; she’s a symbol of strength and resilience. The huntress archetype knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to go after it,...