best yoga podcasts

Podcasts….there are so many out in the world today it can be overwhelming trying to decide what to listen to. Just like with Netflix, or pulling through the drive through at Starbucks, there are so many options that you get “analysis paralysis.” You do nothing because you just don’t know what to choose. That’s what I’m here for, to help narrow things down for you. 

You’re probably thinking, “why would I want to listen to yoga podcasts? Yoga is for “on the mat,” not “in my ears”. You couldn’t be more wrong! Whether you’re a seasoned yoga teacher, currently taking your yoga teacher training, or just an avid yogi who loves online yoga classes, listening to a yoga podcast helps you integrate the practice yoga into your own life. 

Many of the podcast picks below help redefine yoga for the modern world. Or unpack the spirituality and philosophy behind yoga. All of this, even if you don’t make it a yoga mat, can improve your overall health, wellbeing, and help you fit more yoga into your day.

If you are a yoga teacher, listening to a yoga podcast regularly is a great idea. It can give you themes and ideas for new classes and sequencing ideas. Gain inspiration for your yoga and meditation classes. A yoga podcast can also keep you updated on the business of yoga and what is going on in the yoga industry.

If you just love to practice yoga, a good yoga podcast can help you live your yoga, refine your poses, and even provide mini guided meditations you can do while parked in your car.

The topics that the yoga podcasts in this round up cover range from:

  • Yoga and meditation
  • Physical therapy
  • Info on cultural appropriation
  • Yoga business and wellness business best practices
  • Anatomy
  • Mindfulness meditation
  • Guided relaxation
  • Yoga teacher training
  • Spiritual scripture
  • All things yoga philosophy and yoga wisdom

So what are the best yoga podcasts you ask? Let me tell you…

The Best Yoga Podcasts

I LOVE me a good yoga podcast. While drinking my morning chai or taking a nice long morning walk, it soothes my system to listen to calm voices discussing yoga, personal development and wellness. Obviously everyone’s tastes in entertainment are different, but I’ve compiled a list of the best yoga podcasts, at least in my opinion, for you to check out and see what suits your tastes. 

The Uplifted Yoga Podcast with Brett Larkin

uplifted yoga podcast

Who’s it for: Yoga nerds! Hardcore yogis looking to dive deeper into their own personal practice with yoga philosophy and self care. 
Where to listen: Spotify, Apple
Top episodes: How Self-Compassion Can Radically Change Your Life, How to Think Positive Thoughts Everyday
Topics covered: Kundalini yoga explained, Yoga Sutras, mindset, self care, mindfulness.

Formerly known as The Sivana Podcast, The Uplifted Yoga Podcast with Brett covers topics like Rumi, The Yoga Sutras, the energetics of self sabotage and yoga philosophy. Brett also does podcasts around different Sanskrit terms to make them easier to understand and explains Kundalini yoga and Kundalini Awakening. It’s very casual and approachable. Brett feels like a neighbor or friend. It has everything a yoga nerd would want or need (plus occasional amazing interviews with experts). Perfect to listen to after you’ve finished your morning yoga practice or meditation or as a weekly Wednesday routine.

If you’re ready to go beyond online yoga classes and practice yoga in all aspects of your life with the goal of personal development or personal transformation, then the Uplifted Yoga podcast is for you. And, if you were a fan of Brett’s The Sivana Podcast, which is one of the best yoga and spirituality podcasts to date, then get excited for its new look!

The Yogipreneur with Kelly McHugh

The Yogipreneur with Kelly McHugh

Who’s it for: Yoga teachers and online business owners.
Where to listen: Spotify, Apple, website
Top episodes: Inside the Mind of a Thriving Yogipreneur, From Self-Doubt to Unstoppable Confidence
Topics covered: Business marketing strategies, yoga business planning, mindset, niche, online course creation.

There is no way I could mention the best yoga podcasts without giving a shout out to The Yogipreneur! If you haven’t heard of Kelly McHugh and Digital Yoga Academy then you need to go to her site right now! Kelly is a MASTER when it comes to taking the business of online yoga courses and how to increase your community and revenue in the yoga industry. In fact, Kelly is SO GOOD at what she does, she even teaches a module in the Uplifted 200-hr yoga teacher training!

Kelly gives you all of the tools you need to have a thriving online yoga business and even has student success stories on the show so you can see how it really works. Obviously, that makes this go right to the top of the best yoga podcasts list. If you are looking to branch into launching an online yoga course then The Yogipreneur yoga podcast is going to be one of your greatest assets!

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    The Lucas Rockwood Show

    The Lucas Rockwood Show

    Who’s it for: Science loving yogis, yoga teachers, new to practicing yoga
    Where to listen: Spotify, Apple, website
    Top episodes: Undo It with Dr. Dean Ornish, How to Lead a Simple Life Now wit Gary Collins
    Topics covered: Health, wellness, mental health, self improvement 

    Have you heard of YogaBody? Maybe you’ve heard of the YogaBody yoga trapeze? That would be the company of Lucas Rockwood! Lucas has invented amazing devices to help stretch your toes and correct foot problems. They’re quite fascinating! Lucas, in addition to being a top yoga teacher and writer, is passionate about health and wellness and helping people live more “educated and inspired lives”. Which is what his yoga podcast is all about!

    In each weekly conversation, he talks alongside special guests who are the leading experts in their fields and will help you with everything from sleep cycles to menopause and making smarter movement patterns. What’s great too is most of his episodes are around 30-40 minutes long, making it the perfect amount of time to listen on your morning commute or when going for a nice evening walk. So if you are looking for information on how to lead a healthier lifestyle from experts, or wanting to understand your body better this is a great podcast for you. Lucas is very science-minded and evidence based in his approach.

    Cate Stillman Podcasts

    Cate Stillman Podcasts

    Who’s it for: Holistic practitioners, yoga teachers, science loving yogis
    Where to listen: Spotify, Apple, website
    Top episodes: How To Talk To More Leads, Next Level Wellness Pro
    Topics covered: Behavioral science, Ayurveda, healthy eating, conscious entrepreneurship.

    Cate Stillman has been teaching yoga and practicing Ayurveda (yoga’s sister science) for more than 20 years. So much of her show is about healing yourself, physically and emotionally so that you can THRIVE. Hence the name of one of her podcasts “Thrive with Cate Stillman”. She does have a second show, “Wellness Pro with Cate Stillman” where she helps guide holistic practitioners on how to increase their impact and income.

    This is a great listen to go beyond yoga classes and deeper within your practice. You’ll love learning about the intricacies of the body and how you can heal yourself naturally. So, if you totally nerd out on the anatomy and functionality of the human body plus how to use that body to heal itself, you want to check out her shows.

    Rachel Brathen Podcasts (The Yoga Girl)

    Rachel Brathen Podcasts (The Yoga Girl)

    Who’s it for: Yogis looking for inner healing/yoga community, heart chakra lovers
    Where to listen: Spotify, Apple, website
     Top episodes: The Yoga Girl Morning Ritual, I Am No Longer Vegan: The Full Story
    Topics covered: Love, grief, healing, self reliance, family life. 

    If you are looking to expand your yoga practice into the amazing world of self healing and inner work, then The Yoga Girl podcasts are a good fit for you. Rachel’s “Daily Practice” Podcasts are a short and sweet daily yoga class, offering nuggets of wisdom or mini meditations to get you through the day. This is perfect if you’re the type who feels like the “weekly podcast” just isn’t enough. Her other podcast “From the Heart” episodes are longer and go over inner work, healing and lots of personal stories from Rachel.

    The Yoga Girl believes that yoga, meditation, holistic therapy and sharing experiences anchor you and lead you to heal and live more purposefully. Rachel shares her healing journey and touches on topics from how social media is affecting people to connecting with your pets. So beautiful to listen to someone be so open and vulnerable with her audience. It is truly inspiring.



    Who’s it for: Hardcore yoga enthusiasts, yoga teachers
    Where to listen: Spotify, Apple, website
    Top episodes: Part 1: How to structure a yoga class for beginners, Move through malaise and get back on your mat with these practical ideas
    Topics covered: Yoga teacher tips, doshas, yoga teacher training, meditation, pose assistance.

    Hosted by Jason Crandell and Andrea Ferretti, “Yogaland” podcast is one of the best yoga podcasts for yoga teachers. If you didn’t know, Andrea Ferretti is the former Executive Editor of Yoga Journal (a pretty big publication in the yoga world), which is where she met her husband Jason Crandell who was a yoga teacher there at the time.

    This podcast will go over specific techniques for certain asana (postures) or sequencing tips for your own yoga classes! This can help you hone your teaching skills. It also goes into detail about how to incorporate yoga into your everyday life to have a happy and healthier existence and touches on heavier topics like ethical and legal considerations such as cultural appropriation too. Whether you teach online yoga or a weekly hatha yoga class at the studio, this podcast is literally a yoga teacher’s best friend!

    Wellpreneur Podcast

    Wellpreneur Podcast

    Who’s it for: WOMEN, Wellness practitioners and business owners
    Where to listen: Spotify, Apple, website
    Top episodes: Managing imposter syndrome when starting a wellness business, Creating freedom and flexibility in business and life
    Topics covered: Marketing, mindset, business tips

    Hosted by Amanda Cook, this podcast aims to help wellness practitioners create abundant business by talking about mindset, marketing, current business trends, and personal growth. There is even an episode on where to source products for your wellness business!

    This podcast is great because it’s not just for yoga teachers. If you are looking to do more with your business than just be a yoga teacher, perhaps you are wanting to be an ayurvedic practitioner or add reiki into your sessions, this podcast has great step by steps for all types of holistic and wellness businesses to help you grow and create balance. And have you heard that line in the intro, “Explore nature based personal growth for high achieving women,” absolute perfection!

    J Brown Yoga Talks

    J Brown Yoga Talks

    Who’s it for: Yoga enthusiasts, spiritual yogis, yogis of all levels
    Where to listen: Spotify, Apple, website
    Top episodes: Lauren Walker – “You are electromagnetic”, Dr. Lisa Miller – “The awakened brain”
    Topics covered: Spirituality, Vedic wisdom, self healing, biomechanics and yoga

    J Brown Yoga Talks is revolutionary podcast that touches base with old school yoga teachers and “other yoga revolutionists” to lead a “slow yoga revolution” redefining yoga. J Brown started his yoga journey with ashtanga yoga, like a lot of people do, but went through a process and realized that slowing things down and really working with the breath is much more powerful in your own practice than the more heating yoga styles and has worked to try and bring more of this wisdom to the mainstream.

    This weekly podcast is a great choice to learn more about therapeutic yoga practices, self development, and spirituality. Oh and don’t forget to check out his website where you can find live online yoga classes too!

    Closing Thoughts

    A lot of the podcast hosts and yoga teachers listed above in these free yoga podcasts also offer yoga sessions and certified yoga teacher trainings. So if you’ve been practicing yoga for some time and are ready to take the next step, listening to their yoga podcast is a great way to get to know those teachers better.

    Yoga podcasts may not seem like a tool you need to add to your yoga practice toolbelt, but you never know what you’ll learn while walking around or driving that could change your life. You may come across a groundbreaking yoga method you hadn’t heard of, or connect with a new meditation teacher that really resonates with you more than anyone before.

    There are a plethora of yoga podcasts out there, so you might have to check out a few before you find the one you love. A couple popular yoga podcasts I didn’t include in this list you may like are, Jivamukti Yoga with Jessica Stickler or Yoga Is Dead, for example. Keep searching!

    Find the one that best suits you and listen to it while you are running about your daily life or even as you practice yoga. Obviously you wouldn’t be able to listen while doing a yoga nidra, but you can pop an episode on while taking those nice long yin yoga yoga holds.

    I hope this gave you some ideas and a nice guide to connect you with the yoga community you love!

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