Uplifted yoga podcast

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#318 – What Is Somatic Yoga?

#318 – What Is Somatic Yoga?

Today we are talking about Somatic Yoga – or what I like to call Embodied Yoga. This amazing practice is all about unlocking your body’s natural intelligence and creating a self guided solution to healing habitual bracing patterns.

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#316 – Origins of Kundalini & the Yogi Bhajan Scandal – Part 1

#316 – Origins of Kundalini & the Yogi Bhajan Scandal – Part 1

Even though it’s been years since news broke of the Yogi Bhajan scandal a lot of practitioners still question the integrity of the profound practice that is kundalini yoga. Today’s episode is a conversation between my Kundalini University partner Guru Singh and myself in which we answer all of the community’s questions on this topic.

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