It’s that time of year….when the kids are going back to school from winter break and all the germs are getting passed around. You hear a cough or hear someone say they have a sore throat and it’s instant stress. You’re probably trying to think of ways to prevent that cold or flu hitting you, because there’s just no time to get sick right now! Well I’ve got a great tool to put in your wellness toolkit! 

Keep reading to learn how to make these delicious Yogi Teas, that I personally keep stocked in my kitchen all winter long, to boost your immune system, reduce inflammation, and promote overall health and wellness!

What Is Immunity Boosting Tea?

What Is Immunity Boosting Tea

In Ayurveda, immunity-boosting teas are crafted with a combination of herbs and spices that align with the principles of balancing doshasVata, Pitta, and Kapha. The aim of immune boosting tea is to enhance overall well-being and strengthen the body’s natural defense mechanisms. Ayurvedic immunity teas often incorporate ingredients known for their immune-boosting properties, such as Tulsi (Holy Basil), Ashwagandha, Ginger, Turmeric, and various adaptogenic herbs. The careful selection of ingredients is based on the principles of Ayurveda to create a harmonious blend that supports the body’s vitality, or ojas, and rid the body of ama, toxins.

Making the addition of a good cup of tea to your yoga ritual is not only great to calm the mind, but sets the body up for success as well.

Benefits Of Immune Boosting Tea

If you follow an ayurvedic diet you may already know that there are many different types of teas you can choose from for immune support. Each using different ingredients, from cayenne pepper and turmeric root to apple cider vinegar and lemon juice. The combination of ingredients is purposeful, to boost your immune system and reap the most health benefits. 

Here are some of the health benefits of drinking immune boosting tea:

Enhances Immune Function

Ingredients like Tulsi and Ashwagandha are renowned in Ayurveda for their immune-modulating effects, helping the body defend against pathogens.

Reduces Inflammation

Turmeric and Ginger, commonly found in these teas, possess anti-inflammatory properties that boost your immune system. They are incorporated in a lot of Ayurvedic recipes to help you stay healthy. Ginger tea alone is a staple in most houses. And don’t forget the black pepper to activate the delicious turmeric root!

Adaptogenic Support

Ayurvedic adaptogens like Ashwagandha and Holy Basil help the body adapt to stress, promoting overall resilience and well-being.

Balances Doshas

The carefully selected herbs in Ayurvedic teas contribute to balancing Vata, Pitta, and Kapha doshas, ensuring a holistic approach to immune health. And as you know, if your doshas are in balance your entire system works with ease.

If you want to go full force into balancing your doshas you might also want to look into a yogic cleanse as well.

Digestive Support

Many Ayurvedic herbs in these teas, like Fennel and Cumin, aid digestion, ensuring optimal nutrient absorption for a robust immune system. Ginger tea and lemon juice is also often used to aid in digestion.

Antioxidant Protection

The presence of herbs like Turmeric and Amalaki provides a rich source of antioxidants and vitamin C, protecting cells from oxidative stress. This creates an immune boosting effect. A cinnamon stick will increase the antioxidant properties as well.

Stress Reduction

Adaptogenic herbs assist in managing stress levels, preventing chronic stress from compromising the immune system. If you’ve ever felt like you need a hot bath to relax then you know hot water alone is a stress reducer.

Respiratory Health

Ayurvedic herbal teas often include herbs like Licorice and Eucalyptus, promoting respiratory health and helping the body combat respiratory issues.

Holistic Well-being

By addressing various aspects of health, Ayurvedic immunity teas contribute to overall well-being, ensuring a balanced and resilient body.

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    Homemade Immunity Tea Recipe

    brett larkin making tea at home

    Now that you know how different herbs and spices work to help your immune system, I’ve got two tea recipes that are sure to give you that immunity boost when you feel a cold coming – bonus, they taste good too!

    Traditional Yogi Tea

    This is a delicious and great tea recipe to have regularly with so many benefits! If you’re needing a little extra boost because you are feeling that cough or sore throat coming for you, I encourage you to drink this one to help get that immune system supercharged!


    • Pot of water
    • 1 fresh ginger root, peeled and sliced (immunity boosting)
    • 2 cinnamon sticks (strengthens the bones)
    • 20 whole cloves (strengthens the nervous system)
    • 25 whole green cardamom pods (digestive aid)
    • 25 whole black peppercorns (said to purify the blood)


    • Put all the ingredients in boiling water, minus the black tea leaves, for 1-2 minutes, then simmer on low for at least 20 minutes but up to several hours(the longer the better), adding a black tea bag for just a few minutes at the end(black tea helps all the spices assimilate)
    • Strain into cup to drink with milk of choice and raw honey (milk helps coat the stomach line and helps with absorption and honey has great antibacterial properties)

    Immune Boosting Yogi Tea

    Since this Ayurvedic drink needs some cool-down time, it’s best to start the process before you retire for bed. This recipe keeps well in the refrigerator; if you have storage room, you can double the ingredients to brew a larger batch so you don’t have to make it as often. Take this throughout the winter months to help ward off the flu and cold symptoms.


    • 1/4 cup black peppercorns(detoxifies the body)
    • 1 container of any size of pomegranate juice(rich source of antioxidant properties and vitamin C)
    • 6 cups of water


    1. Mix the peppercorns with the water in a large saucepan and bring to a boil.
    2. Once the water is boiling, turn the flame down to a simmer and cover the pot.
    3. Let the tea simmer for 20 minutes, then turn the stovetop off.
    4. Allow it to cool down overnight on the stove with the lid on.
    5. Strain the peppercorn tea into a container in the morning and put it in the fridge.
    6. Mix ½ cup of your peppercorn tea with ½ cup of your pure pomegranate juice. It’s best to sip this drink at room temperature and maybe even a little warm twice a day!

    Immunity Tea Side Effects And Risks

    While immunity-boosting teas are generally considered safe, excessive consumption or individual sensitivities to certain herbs may lead to potential side effects. Some reported risks include but are not limited to:

    • digestive issues
    • allergic reactions
    • interactions with medications. 

    It’s crucial to be aware of these possibilities and consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating new herbal medicine blends into your routine.

    Closing Thoughts

    Immune tea is a great way to use the science of Ayurveda and the magic of herbs to keep your body in tip top shape! There are numerous benefits to drinking these immune boosting teas that aren’t limited to the physical body. I know that sipping hot tea or holding a warm cup can be mood boosting or even a level two self care item for some of you. If you aren’t sure what a level two self care item is then you need to get into my Yoga For Self Mastery to learn how to live your yoga! Cheers to a happy healthy winter season!! 🍵

    Next Steps

    • If you’re interested in practical kriya yoga as a way to improve your daily life and relationships, check out my Yoga for Self Mastery course.
    • Order my Yoga Life book for a practical guide to creating balance in your life through yoga.
    • Check out my YouTube channel and find some yoga classes that you can try out for yourself!
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