Yoga Sequence: Open Your Heart Vinyasa Flow (45-min)

Yoga Sequence: Open Your Heart Vinyasa Flow (45-min)

This is a 45-minute slow vinyasa flow sequence you can try at home on the theme of opening space in and around your heart. It’s appropriate for intermediate to advanced yogis. I highly suggested dimming the lights and trying to do as much of this practice as you...
10 Minute Yoga Routine – Great Way to Start the Day!

10 Minute Yoga Routine – Great Way to Start the Day!

Don’t have time for yoga in the morning? Now you do! This is a quick 7-minute vinyasa flow practice designed to get you feeling energized and grounded right when you get out of bed. Slide from bed to your mat and do these yoga postures before getting in the...
Yoga for Anxiety: Destress and Reconnect (75-Min)

Yoga for Anxiety: Destress and Reconnect (75-Min)

This is a 75-minute slow vinyasa flow sequence you can try at home on the theme of self connection. Spiral movement sun salutations in a chair pose variations are used to soften our interior relationship with ourselves and slow down. As with all my yoga sequences, I...
Yoga Sequence Detoxifying Vinyasa Flow (60-Minutes)

Yoga Sequence Detoxifying Vinyasa Flow (60-Minutes)

This one-hour, well-rounded vinyasa flow sequence is focused on twists which allow us to detoxify and clear away anything that is not serving us. The video begins with two rounds of kapalbhati (breath of fire). If kapalbhati is contraindicated for you, begin the video...