Buddhi Mudra: What Is It And How Do You Use It?

Buddhi Mudra: What Is It And How Do You Use It?

If you’ve ever found yourself with racing thoughts, unable to concentrate, off in your yoga practice, or fidgeting in meditation, you may wonder what you can do to bring more balance to the body and mind. Buddhi mudra can help! Often, we can use the...
Shuni Mudra: The Seal of Patience

Shuni Mudra: The Seal of Patience

You may be used to making sacred shapes with our bodies during an asana class but what about sacred geometry with our hands?  ‘Mudra,’ is the Sanskrit word meaning hand gestures or hand position. Mudras can enhance our practice by guiding a subtle...
Sat Kriya: A Yoga Practice You Can Do in 3 Minutes

Sat Kriya: A Yoga Practice You Can Do in 3 Minutes

If you are one of those people who cannot spare the time to do an elaborate yoga routine every day, Sat Kriya is one of the best kriyas you can opt for. Yogis claim that practicing Sat Kriya for at least 3 minutes a day can have spectacular benefits on your body,...
Raja Yoga: The Yoga of the Mind

Raja Yoga: The Yoga of the Mind

Hello again, fellow yoga nerd! …No offense intended! Buuuuut if you’re reading this, there’s probably at least a nugget of truth in there, no? I personally can’t think of a better thing to geek-out on because we could probably study yoga for...
Om Namah Shivaya Mantra Chanting: Meaning & Benefits

Om Namah Shivaya Mantra Chanting: Meaning & Benefits

If you’ve ever been to a kirtan or attended a yoga retreat in some exotic land, then you may have heard blissed out yogis chanting ‘Om Namah Shivaya’. And if you have, then you’ve been able to witness a very sacred and very special communion with Universal...
Understanding the “Om Shanti” Mantra

Understanding the “Om Shanti” Mantra

Many yogis chant the ‘om’ mantra to aid their meditation practice. But have you heard of the “om shanti” mantra? With regular practice and improved focus, this mantra is known to help yogis attain their ultimate goal—detachment from the outside...