What Is Sat Nam Rasayan? How And When To Practice

What Is Sat Nam Rasayan? How And When To Practice

Do you believe that your thoughts have an impact on your body and health?  Within the Kundalini yoga tradition exists a specific healing modality called Sat Nam Rasayan. Through meditation, your mind comes to a neutral state of clarity in which healing can occur....
Understanding The 6 Shat Kriyas In Yoga

Understanding The 6 Shat Kriyas In Yoga

What’s better than fad diets and weight loss drugs? Cultivating a sustainable, well-rounded, healthy approach to your lifestyle. The ancient yogis knew this. In fact, they created a series of techniques aimed to cleanse the body of toxins and impurities to enhance...
Kundalini Yoga: How To Start A 40 Day Kriya

Kundalini Yoga: How To Start A 40 Day Kriya

Imagine creating consistency in your yoga practice. Transforming your practice into something you desire daily rather than “fitting it in” when you have time. Increasing your body/mind awareness, your capability to live life from a neutral mind, and break negative...
Nauli Kriya: How To Practice This Cleansing Shatkarma

Nauli Kriya: How To Practice This Cleansing Shatkarma

Nauli Kriya is an ancient yogic purification practice that has recently become a viral crazy yoga technique called “alien yoga.” As a modern yogi, you probably know all the popular poses like mountain, tree, and warrior. I bet you can sun salute with the best of them....
Vasti Kriya: 3 Yogic Intestinal Cleanses

Vasti Kriya: 3 Yogic Intestinal Cleanses

Vasti Kriya, also known as Basti Kriya or Wasti, is one of the six shatkarmas (also referred to as shat kriyas) mentioned in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. This text is prominent in the Hatha yoga lineage. You can think of the shatkarmas as purification practices designed...