Hands up if your life is exactly perfect in every way and you have everything you’ve ever wanted and nothing bad has ever happened in your life. Yeah, me neither. But here’s the thing: That doesn’t mean I don’t like my life! It doesn’t mean I’m not happy with where my...
Ever heard the term, ‘to love is to surrender’? It might sound counterintuitive at first, but hear me out. When you surrender, you stay open to what life and other people have to offer. You open the door to self-love, love with others, and connection with everything...
We’ve arrived! We’ve made it to the big question that all yoga practitioners ask at some point on their path… What is samadhi?? It’s the last stop on Patanjali’s eight-limbed path and it’s usually the one that yoga practitioners are the MOST curious about. It’s like...
So, you’re serious about this yoga thing huh? I mean…we are on limb number SEVEN. (Don’t say I said anything but most people give up at the 4th yama …..just kidding….. kind of) But hey, I’m proud of you and I’m glad you’re here. Wanna know a secret? This one may...
When was the last time you were able to take the time to put your energy into one thing?A time when your focus was solely on the task in hand and there were no other distractions or thoughts popping up to lure you away from it?When was the last time you felt truly...
As you dive deeper into your yogic practice, you’re naturally going to work your way through the eight limbs of yoga, as outlined by Patanjali.But once you get to the fifth limb, things get a little confusing.Pratyahara, known as sensory withdrawal, can seem...