As humans, we tend to believe the old narrative that there are external forces keeping us from achieving our goals. We lean toward a negative self-appraisal of why we aren’t accomplishing our dreams, and struggle with identifying actionable steps to get us where we...
Yoga has a way of consistently, slowly transforming us. First it makes our bodies stronger. Later, we notice we’re consistently calmer as well. We’re not as angry. Or rushed. We become dependent on our yoga practice as a way to make us feel better....
Many of you tried the Desire Map journal with me last year. I have an official Youtube review of how I’ve been using that journal (what I liked and didn’t like) coming out on Youtube soon. Now the 2017 Desire Map Planner Collection is here! I’m...
It’s true. “Manifesting” has become an over-used yoga word, almost as worn as “mindfulness.” Yet today, I want to tell you about how I manifested a BIG personal victory. My hope is that it inspires YOU toward your next win. Manifesting is...