It’s true. “Manifesting” has become an over-used yoga word, almost as worn as “mindfulness.” Yet today, I want to tell you about how I manifested a BIG personal victory.
My hope is that it inspires YOU toward your next win. Manifesting is a word that gets tossed around a lot. No one really explains how to “DO” it (positive thoughts? affirmations? wishful thinking?).
Since there’s so little clarity around what “manifesting” actually means, I thought I’d break down my exact manifestation process for you, with concrete examples:
1. Move
When you come to your yoga mat, your movement fuels your motivation.
In order to manifest your desires and “get things moving,” YOU, yourself, need to move.
Obviously, since I’m obsessed with yoga and choose to surround myself with amazing people who are similarly committed, getting on the mat is my daily practice. But I’m a lover of all movement. So whether it’s running, dancing, surfing or kickboxing, make sure you exercise everyday and make it non-negotiable.
Psst…forcing yourself to become a morning person in order to get up early and exercise really helps. Podcast on that here.

Now, to clarify: I don’t think about the things I want or am trying to manifest when I do yoga or workout. Instead, I focus on the sensations in my physical body, ground into my physical form, and drop into the headspace that everything is interconnected.
For me, yoga is a tool to transition from “me,” “my problems,” “my story” to feeling in-tune with a universal intelligence that has my best interest at heart.
Once I feel like a thread in an interwoven tapestry of genius, I worry less.
I trust that the things I want are moving toward me if I act in alignment with my values.
2. Write
You may have heard about successful people who wake up and speak affirmations powerfully while looking at themselves in the mirror.
That’s not really my style.
Anytime I’ve tried to say affirmations out loud, I feel silly and self-conscious. And for good reason! I’m constantly surrounded by people who can hear me – if not my coworkers and family, my upstairs neighbors.
Instead, I take my affirmations onto the page.
I’ve written a lot about the positive force journaling can have in your life, but I’ll state it again here:
Write what you want.
Write your affirmations, like, I am clear, confident, and never rushing.
Write the things you are trying to manifest, like, Jake and I have found our dream house.
[bctt tweet=”I am worthy of my dreams! #positive #yoga #mantra” via=”no”]
If you have time, get creative. Write out every aspect of the thing you’re trying to manifest down to author-worthy details – like the the features of the house, how it feels to stand inside, and what’s nearby.
Not a wordsmith? I’ve found repetition works just as well.
I’ll write out each affirmation or desire 4 – 5 times daily (yes, handwriting in a journal. yes, writing the same thing over and over again). Think of this repeat-writing as engraving what you want into your subconscious.
Again, the best time to do this writing is the morning.

3. Trust
The trust step is two-fold. Yes, you need to trust that the universe will send you what you’ve asked for, all while practicing patience. But I’ve found that you also really need to trust YOURSELF.
Go with your gut: your intuition.
[bctt tweet=”Today, I will trust that the universe has my back! #affirmations #yoga #mantra” username=”LarkinYogaTV”]
This is where I can share a recent success story in my own life with – you guessed it – purchasing my dream house!
Jake and I have found our dream house has been something I’ve been journaling on repeat for about 6-months now.
Since I’m busy, I didn’t even fill in that many details on what this ‘dream’ house looked-like. I kept it vague within the parameters of our needs (like a big yoga film studio space out back 🙂
We looked at dozens of homes over the past several months. My father came to visit recently, and we must have dragged him to 6 open homes in one weekend.
After his visit, we were ready for a weekend off. But a fixer-upper popped onto the market. I got an immediate jolt of recognition looking at the listing. My intuition was telling me something…
I dragged my husband to the house.
We both liked it.
What happened over the next two weeks of deciding whether to bid (and how much) was stressful. My husband did a 180 and decided he didn’t like the house. Next, he rebounded, and I started to overthink things, second-guessing.
Like always, I came to my mat. I journaled. Instead of getting caught up in the drama, I decided that if getting this house was what was best for us, it would happen. If it wasn’t, it wouldn’t.
Getting closer to the deadline to place our bid, my husband felt we shouldn’t bother. He was sure the house would go for higher than we could afford, factoring in the needed renovations. Placing a bid would be a waste of time.
I agreed that our chances seemed unlikely. But my gut kept telling me this was our house. I begged him to let us lowball a bid factoring in the needed renovations.
3. Let Go
After we low-balled our offer, I decided to let the universe take care of the rest. If getting the house was what was right for us, an unlikely shift in the fabric of events would enable us to get the house at our price. If not, we’d find something better.
Most texts on manifesting (as well as chants and prayers to Lakshmi, goddess of prosperity, in the yogic tradition) integrate the idea of ‘non-attachment.’ That it’s okay to hope for things, to want, as long as deep down, you’re okay with any outcome.
So the mindset is: “I really, really want X and am driving all my intentions and actions toward it. But hey, if I don’t get it, I’ll survive and be just fine.”
You strive, you act, you want, but then you offer it all up to the universe and know you’ll be OK either way.
4-hours after placing our bid, our realtor called.
We got the house.
Despite there being 4 other offers, 1 even higher than ours, the seller liked our profile best.
Move, journal, trust and then surrender. Together, these 4-steps can propel YOU in the direction you want to go to achieve your goals.
[bctt tweet=”How to manifest what you want, right now: move, journal, trust and then surrender. #yoga #namaste” username=”LarkinYogaTV”]
Do you have a big dream? Something your working on manifesting? And a desire to be surrounded by positive people cheering you on? Check out Uplifted. We have a live call coming up this Wednesday.
Below are recent videos you may have missed.