
Your Name: Stephanie

Where You Live: Small town in Kansas

Your Current Profession: Theatre instructor at a community college

Brett: What’s Your Big Dream?
Stephanie: Be comfortable with myself and my body. Feel like I’ve made the right choices in my life.

Brett: What Brought You to Yoga?
Stephanie: We did a lot of yoga in graduate school and that’s sort of when I started to fall in love with it. I love how it calms you and makes you feel alive at the same time. I always feel better after a practice even if during the practice I felt like I was struggling.

Brett: What do You Hope to Get out of Yoga Teacher Training?
Stephanie: A better understanding of my body and how it moves. I also want to be able to help my students be more comfortable with themselves and their bodies. Yoga and theatre are similar and I know teacher training will help me become a better theatre practitioner and teacher.

Brett: How Long Have You Been Practicing?
Stephanie: On and off for several years but more seriously the past 2 years.

Brett: What’s Your Favorite Style of Yoga?
Stephanie: Vinyasa

Brett: What’s Your Favorite Class (or two)?
Stephanie: I love the chakra 2 yoga class: https://brettlarkinyoga.vhx.tv/chakra-challenge/videos/chakra-2-classclean
And the release your inner control freak:

Brett: What’s Been Your Biggest Struggle in Your Practice?
Stephanie: Finding one specific time that I can practice. I sometimes squeeze in random practices at different times. I have rehearsal a lot times until late into the night so I don’t always have a consistent practice time. And that’s something I’m still trying to find and incorporate.

Brett: What’s Your Big Advice for Others?
Stephanie: Remember to breathe. Not just in yoga but in all aspects of life.

-Lightning Round-

Favorite Mat: The Gaiam Sol Studio Select Dry-Grip Yoga Mat. I sweat A LOT during yoga, even if it’s not a heated class. I never slide using this mat. It’s also really cushy, which I like.

Favorite Prop: Blocks

Favorite Place to Practice: (feel free to include photos) In my living room. I usually push the coffee table out of the way and practice there. Or sometimes with my students in the theatre.

Favorite Yoga Hack: I always try to stretch in bed before I fall asleep.

Favorite Smoothie Recipe:
Half bag (3 oz.) Spinach
2 handfuls blueberries
2 handfuls blackberries
3/4 of green apple
3 pineapple rings
1 handful of ice cubes

Favorite Food Recipe: I love these 5 ingredient baked falafels from pinch of yum. I make them a lot. http://pinchofyum.com/simple-6-ingredient-baked-falafel

Favorite Book: To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf

Favorite Quote: I could be bounded in a nutshell, and count myself a king of infinite space, were it not that I have bad dreams. Hamlet Act 2 scene 2 by William Shakespeare
Everything was beautiful and nothing hurt – Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut
I deal with some chronic pain issues and a lot of times when I really hurt these run through my head like mantras

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