Meaning of Ra Ma Da Sa: The Healing Siri Gaitri Mantra

Meaning of Ra Ma Da Sa: The Healing Siri Gaitri Mantra

There is a world of difference between ‘getting cured’ and ‘getting healed’. When you fall sick, the disease does not just affect your body, but also your mind and spirit. Eventually, when you overcome the disease, your ecosystem may bounce...
How to Chant the Mangala Charan Mantra (With Pronunciation)

How to Chant the Mangala Charan Mantra (With Pronunciation)

You’ve been doing Kundalini Yoga for a while now and you feel like you’ve got the Adi Mantra down, right?  Perhaps you took a Kundalini Yoga class that had some new words after the tune in… and you’re wondering what they mean?  Or you’ve been...
Chanting Mantras: Unlock the Secrets of These Spiritual Formulas

Chanting Mantras: Unlock the Secrets of These Spiritual Formulas

Mantras are spiritual formulas that alter the pattern of your mind. Really, you ask? Yes, really! Chanting mantras with your daily yoga practice instantly connect you to divine vibrations. Chanting may be one of the most widely misunderstood practices, often falling...
The 7 Aquarian Mantras: Tune In To Profound Transformation

The 7 Aquarian Mantras: Tune In To Profound Transformation

For newbies to Kundalini yoga, the chanting can be a *bit* overwhelming at first. Truth be told? I thought the chanting was a bit culty before I learned more about the why behind it.  Chanting mantras not only focuses the mind and oxygenates the brain (you’ll...
Adi Shakti Mantra: Manifest Your Divine Femininity

Adi Shakti Mantra: Manifest Your Divine Femininity

As you begin to dive deeper into your yoga practice, you may begin to pick up a few practices outside traditional asana. Those familiar with Kundalini yoga may already be well versed in the use of mantras and their benefits. However, even if you’ve never...