Understand the Koshas and Discover 5 Deeper Dimensions of You

Understand the Koshas and Discover 5 Deeper Dimensions of You

Yoga’s five koshas offer a guide to understanding ourselves in-depth, and that’s what this article is all about. We’ll explore the energetic layers of your well being from a Yogic perspective covering what each layer means, the benefits of...
4 Modern Ways to Deepen Your Svadhyaya (Self Study) Practice

4 Modern Ways to Deepen Your Svadhyaya (Self Study) Practice

Applying certain teachings from yoga, such as the yamas and niyamas, can help you move through life with far more ease and far less self judgement.  Practicing yoga requires constant self study (svadhyaya) to deepen your understanding of self, erase limiting thought...
What are Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras?

What are Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras?

If you’ve ever done a Yoga Teacher Training or are looking to do one, you’ve most likely heard about the Yoga Sutras by Patanjali as part of the teacher training.  Hey, maybe you’ve even heard me mention them once or twice in past posts! (I talk about them a...
Why Ahimsa (Non-Violence) Improves All Areas of Your Life

Why Ahimsa (Non-Violence) Improves All Areas of Your Life

A while back in a yoga class I attended while living in New York, the yoga teacher cued us into Salamba Sirsasana II (Tripod Headstand). My heart sank a little. I knew I could do it, but every time I do the pose I end up with a huge pain along my thoracic spine no...
What Is Santosha? Yoga’s Philosophy of Happiness.

What Is Santosha? Yoga’s Philosophy of Happiness.

Hands up if your life is exactly perfect in every way and you have everything you’ve ever wanted and nothing bad has ever happened in your life. Yeah, me neither. But here’s the thing: That doesn’t mean I don’t like my life! It doesn’t mean I’m not happy with where my...