(Parsovtannasana): Techniques, Benefits, Variations

Level – Intermediate

Pyramid Pose


Pyramid Pose Prep & Practice


Beginning in Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I), right leg forward, left leg back, hands on hips. Right toes (front foot) pointed toward top of the mat, right (front) knee bent, left foot (back foot) toes turned out slightly to the left, left (back) leg extended, muscles engaged.


Working to square hips directly forward and side to side. Low abs firm in and up, knitting front ribs, lengthening sides of waist.


On an inhalation, front leg lengthens, muscles engage, both feet press down firmly weight evenly distributed.


Shoulders stacked over hips, inhale arms slightly forward and up over head. Spread fingers, energizing hands and arms.


On an exhalation, fold forward bringing hands to blocks or mat. Outer hips hug in toward each other and energetically back in space. Abdominals draw in and up, sternum lengthens forward.


Breath is steady, legs and abdominals energized and engaged, shoulder blades draw away from the ears. Head inline with spine.


To come out of the pose, bend into front knee and use the abdominal muscles to mindfully step back to the top of the mat, slowly rolling up one vertebrae at a time to Mountain (Tadasana). Prepare for the second side.


  • Bend front knee
  • Lengthen stance or allow back heel to lift (if knee feels torqued)
  • Hands on hips
  • Hands come to chair or wall at hip height

Physical, Mental and Emotional Benefits

  • Improves balance and core strength
  • Strengthens quads, outer hips and calves
  • Strengthens and lengthens hamstrings
  • Develops concentration and focus
  • Calms and quiets the mind


  • Acid Reflux
  • Difficulty Standing 
  • Abnormal Blood Pressure
  • Hamstring and Lower Back Injuries

Thoughtful Sequencing

Mountain (Tadasana), Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I), bend and straighten the front knee, Pyramid (Parsvottanasana), Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I),  Mountain (Tadasana).  Repeat on the other side.

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