Do you ever wonder how to discern your true intuitive voice from fear or habitual thoughts? 

Today I talk to psychic medium Natalie Miles, who emphasizes there is no right or wrong way to receive intuitive messages. We talk about how intuition is tapping into your own inner power and knowing, and it communicates through the physical, emotional, and spiritual body; and the role of trust and the need to take action on intuitive messages. Natalie and I deep dive into how to cultivate a relationship with your intuition, tools to help harness your intuition and how to cultivate trust within yourself.

Grab your oracle cards and get ready to nerd out with us on:
🔹Explore the different ways intuition can show up, such as intuitive hits, downloads, and messages.
🔹The connection between intuition and fear/anxiety, and how fear can arise when intuition is asking us to do something big or outside of our comfort zone
🔹Where intuition resides in the body, with Natalie highlighting the heart as a significant center for intuition.

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GUEST EXPERT: Natalie Miles | 

Natalie, originally from the UK, is an acclaimed channel, psychic medium, writer and author of her best selling book “You Are Intuitive. Trust Your Truth.Take Back Your Power.” Her podcast “Things That Die” is here to break the taboo on the death and endings we face in our lives. Natalie is here to inspire you to deepen the connection with yourself and the world around you, so you can make the aligned conscious choices in your life. She’s not here to give you the answers or tell you what to do. But instead, to inspire you to feel confident in making the present and future decisions in your own life. She shares insight and guidance so you can move forward with confidence, trusting your own intuition.

Get Natalie’s book: 

Natalie’s Podcast: 

Find Us: @larkinyogatv and @iamnataliemiles

FREE Yoga Practice: Connect With Intuition: A Gentle Vinyasa Yoga For Intuition

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#324 – The Importance of Emotional Processing and Regulation: DENT Model Trauma

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    My friends, I am so thrilled today to be connecting with Natalie Miles. She is from the UK, so you’re going to love her accent. She is an acclaimed channel, psychic medium, writer and author of her own bestselling book, You Are Intuitive. And we’re going to be talking about intuition today because Natalie likes to inspire people to deepen their connection with themselves and the world around them so that they can make aligned and conscious choices.

    and I went on Natalie’s podcast, which is incredible. So I’ll put her podcast in the show notes and we had the most epic conversation. So I’m so excited to now have you here with me on the Uplifted Yoga podcast, Natalie, welcome. Hello.

    Hi, I’m excited to share this chat with everybody and yeah, I loved our chat on the podcast, so thank you again for coming on, because it was, yeah, really good.

    Well, so many people start doing yoga and they start meditating and maybe they’re seeing things in their meditation. I mean, there’s just so many facets that we can dive into. But I think the ultimate question for so many of us on the spiritual path is how do we start discerning and picking apart? What is the true intuitive voice and what is fear or a habitual program in our head or even sometimes like a self -sabotaging reoccurring thought. Sometimes it’s just so hard to know and discern. So I’d love for you to drop us in. Maybe you want to start kind of just defining the word intuition for us or how you think about it. And then tell us a little bit about how we should start to think about it as yogis on the spiritual path.

    Yeah, great question. For me, intuition is how you tap into your own inner power, your own inner knowing, how that communicates with you through your physical body, your emotional body, your spiritual body.

    and it can show up in so many different ways. And as you said, like how on earth do you work out whether, is it fear? Are you making shit up? What is the intuitive voice? Because that’s, I mean, it’s the biggest question I get asked the most. And for me, how I like to describe it is your intuition will come in, it will give you the message, and it will leave.

    Do you know when you get those intuitive hits, those intuitive downloads, it literally just appears as a thought, a feeling, a knowing for a lot of people where they just know something to be true and then what happens is it then leaves. And it’s funny because you have those feelings where you’re like, my God, I’ve got to grab this. I’ve got to write this down. I’ve got to remember this. And that’s what the intuitive…

    voice does, it comes in, it gives you the message and then it leaves. But the fear voice, the ego voice, the anxiety voice will come in and it will rattle around your thoughts, your body. It will keep going over and round and round and round things. There’ll also be a different tone to it. I like to describe like the intuitive voice comes in with like this.

    commanding presence, like there’s an energetic presence where you take notice of it. But again, that fear, anxiety voice can sometimes feel like an army sergeant or a general barking orders at you. It can make your body feel tight and restrictive.

    but the intuitive voice actually can make you feel expanded in the body. And people also then always ask, but then I feel fear and anxiety after you’ve received the intuitive message. And that happens all the time where, again, the intuitive message comes in, you get the download and you’re like, yeah, that makes sense. And then the human mind, as you mentioned, the sabotage goes in and be like,

    Well, what do you mean? That makes no sense. What do you mean I’ve got to do that? What do you mean that change has got to happen? What do you mean that ending’s got to happen? And then that’s when the fear and anxiety comes in and we merge it together. We don’t separate it out, if that makes sense.

    I love everything you’re saying and I’m taking notes and I was actually even making a little graph in my notes of like things intuition is and isn’t like a pro and con list. You can see how I was such a good student at school. So I just wanna like pick apart some of the things you said because this is so fantastic. Like already we’re just going right in. So the first thing you’re saying like the intuitive nudge sometimes we hear that phrase, right? It’s quick. It’s like in and out very quickly while.




    when we have those reoccurring thought loops or what the yogis would call like those maybe some scaras that are more negatively skewed, they stick around. It’s like that top 10 playlist in the radio where you’re just like hearing the same things over and over and over again, which just really makes me think that it’s so, that’s why it’s so easy to miss those intuitive nudges, right? Cause it’s kind of, I don’t know why I’m thinking this, but it’s like a little sprinkle of fairy dust or something. It’s like gone really fast. It’s like there and it’s gone, right? So it’s like, if you don’t grab onto it, you miss it, especially,




    with the amount of stuff we’re distracted with, like our phones or our, like I’ve been doing so much embodiment work recently, so much somatic yoga, I’m so in my body, so I’ve been getting these intuitive nudges more around things that would be pleasurable for me to do, like I’ll get this little voice that’s like, you should go drive and do a walk in the woods today instead of walking around your neighborhood and just, even though it makes no sense to do that, you should just do that. And, but then if I’m not paying attention, like I could even forget that.




    five minutes later, because it’s like my kid’s talking to me and I just got a text and the music’s on or whatever. So it’s just part of it’s just having the mental space. I think about the more we slow down our breath, the more we slow down our thoughts, the more we can hear something like that and then also remember it because I do feel like it has this transient quality of being here and then gone so quickly that it can be easy to miss.


    Hmm. Yeah, you’re moving between worlds. It’s making you realize how you are connected to something bigger than yourself, but also realizing that you are it. So it’s powerful and it is, I mean, for me, I always describe intuition. It’s noticing. It’s noticing the themes and the patterns that are coming up for you. It’s noticing where you’re being guided to. It’s noticing the feelings and the sensations in your body.

    and yoga allows that space for it to truly come through where it’s either you’re feeling it in a pose or it’s at the end in Shavasana where you’re, you know, you finally have that pause moment to actually notice what your…

    experiencing, seeing visions for me. I get lots of visions in Shavasana during, you know, animal guides will come through, messages will come through, visions will come through. But it is knowing that, I mean, yes, of course, yoga allows you to have that space, but it’s also an invitation to be like, well, how are you doing this in your everyday?

    life as you say, it gives you that framework that you’re then getting those intuitive hits of like, this doesn’t make any sense, but I should go to the woods. And I always say, sometimes the intuitive messages you receive don’t make sense. Like, and that’s what, that’s when the mind goes, tries to rationalize shit. And then we forget the magic and then we follow that intuitive hit. We actually trust ourselves.

    to take action because that’s the biggest thing. So many of us get intuitive hits and downloads and pings, but we don’t follow up on them. So we never trust them. And it’s a trust muscle. The more that you listen to your intuition, the more you trust it, the more you take action, the more messages you’re going to receive.


    I love the trust muscle and I love that you honed us in right here right at the beginning because I don’t think until you’ve said this I’ve really understood how true this is, is that intuition and fear and anxiety are weirdly super linked because usually our intuitive nudge tells us something bizarre.

    and then it’s gone and then the rational mind does what it does, because it’s a meaning maker and starts forecasting. Well, if I do this crazy thing, even with something as simple as the woodswalks, like, am I going to have time to get everything done? You know, do I have enough gas in the car to get there? There’s so many other pieces. And sometimes our intuition is telling us to do something crazy, like make a music video or start chanting and putting an album out, which I’m weirdly doing. Right. Like, and it just you’re like, what? And there’s so much fear and anxiety linked with that. So.

    I think that’s a really interesting thing to highlight for everyone listening and something I’m really going to take away because almost if you’re feeling fear and anxiety, it’s like, well, did I have an intuitive nudge around something big I’m supposed to do earlier? I mean, these two things are interconnected in a way that I think is very interesting because I think we would think fear and anxiety are a bad thing, but it’s like, yeah, often we’re having those because these intuitive nudges or hits are asking us to do big things.

    that are requiring we step into the next best version of ourself or requiring us to do something that brings us home to ourselves.


    Yeah, and there’s also then the pressure of the intuitive hit of pushing the mind into future -based thinking. And so there can be so much pressure on the future outcome of what that can be. So instead of receiving the intuitive hit and download and being fully in the present moment to action it and to trust.

    Like if you take these moments in the now, if you take these steps in the now that your intuition is guiding you towards, instead, again, that fear, anxiety instantly moves down the timeline and puts you into future mode around, yeah, but what if this happens and what if that happens and what’s the future impact of that? Or it whacks you back into the past and is like, well, it didn’t work last time, so why would it do it now? And so it basically,

    can push you into future thinking mode or back into past mode. And so when the key is, is that when you find those intuitive hits that you then, that you stay in the present. that’s so fascinating. I never have that. And it’s, it’s a message. Hang on a sec. It’s a message for you. Hang on a sec.

    big message. can I give you a message?

    Don’t worry about how you’re using your voice and how you’re gonna be perceived in the future of how you’re changing, how you’re using your voice because what’s being activated through your voice right now is so powerful.

    it’s making me and so it’s really activating my throat for chakra as I’ve said that to you because it’s you’re in such an amazing shift and transformation in who you are and your business and how you’re showing up and there’s a part of you that is like walking like through a tightrope of where you used to be in this future you and the guides are just like

    Don’t worry about your voice. Don’t worry about your voice. Don’t worry about your voice because your voice is going to be the guiding torch to bring you forward. And you need to trust how your voice is being really activated because there’s a part of you energetically that’s like keeping it in the past. And there’s also a part of the voice that’s again, that’s fearing where it’s moving to with what you’re doing. And so.

    yeah, that’s why as I’m talking about that, they were like, you lose us to come out in that way.


    Woo, I love it. I love it when I get to do a podcast episode and I get like some, you know, information from the metaverse. This is perfect. Thank you. I relate. That is wild. Drink some more water.


    You’re welcome. that was wild. And I’m sharing this in this way because that’s how intuition comes through. So for me, as a channel or what that is, if something is reacting in my body, if something is loud enough to come through in that way,

    It’s about me noticing, again, I’m noticing that something is changing in my body. I’m noticing how my voice is changing and my throat is closing. And for me, I know when I’m in that space, it’s a message. It’s not that I’ve got a piece of dust in my mouth. It’s connected to the energy. And so when, you know, if you’re listening to this or watching this, in your practice, in your yoga practice, in how you’re moving through your day,

    Notice how your body is responding to certain situations, environments, people, the energy that you’re interacting, the buildings that you’re in. Notice how your body responds and the intuitive hits and downloads because you’re connecting to it. Your energy is connecting to everything around it and that’s how intuition works.

    I could have just brushed that off and been like, I’m doing a podcast. I’ve just got a dry throat and I’ve got something in my throat. And I’m like, but I know that it’s more than that. So yeah, if you’re listening to this, that’s also how intuition shows up.


    Well, I love that, so there’s, okay, so much to dive into here, but so much of like, it’s inconvenient, right? Like you weren’t like, I’m gonna stay professional and just plow through this and pretend nothing’s happening. You actually said, you know, even though it’s inconvenient to the moment of like technically we’re supposed to be broadcasting something professionally to other people, like this needs to come through and I’m gonna honor it. And I think that’s so much of what intuition feels like for so many of us. It’s like, it’s asking us to do something that is not convenient.




    maybe against the status quo. And we just need to own it and accept it and trust it. I loved how you talked about the trust muscle, you know, because that’s literally what I have found. The more I just say yes to those woods walks or yes to just random things. I mean, I’m so lucky right now because I’m just getting intuitive hits of all these ways to nurture myself better because I’ve not been good at that. Like I got I was like, I need to go to this place on the East Coast where I spent time with my father who is passed, but I just got




    really like intense waves of like that this has to happen this summer. I need to take his ashes there. Like this just has to happen. And so I booked it, right? And everyone’s inconvenienced, like my husband, like several airlines, like 13 things that needed to be rescheduled. But, you know, it’s all these little steps of just knowing, like, I trust myself so much now that it’s like, I’m going with that intuitive pulse and I’m going to honor it. And I want to ask you,

    Where do you think intuition lives in the body? Because this is such a fascinating thing to me, especially excited to talk about it with you, because what you just described was that if we want to become more intuitive, we need to sense into our body. And I love how you said we need to think about how our body is reacting to the environment and kind of almost do a body check. So often we’re in our head. I often think of someone’s asking you to do something. And now I’m really good at it before I

    immediately say yes because my calendar happens to be free like going down and in and actually checking in with my body. But so much of the yogic wisdom and the chakra system talks about intuition being very much associated with the pineal, the pituitary gland, which are up high associated with six chakra, Agnya, which is, you know, kind of in the center of the brain. So what thoughts do you have about where intuition resides? And, you know, if you do have or want to riff because we don’t know the answers, obviously, but it’s like,




    You know, there’s so much in yoga about energy ascension and activating this pineal pituitary area through chanting and, you know, pressing our tongue to the roof of the mouth is obviously the closest we can get to like pressing into the brain. cause those tissues are the softest way we have to access the, the inside of the brain ourselves, without surgery. Right. So, so, but at the same time, this down and in, or for me, often it’s like the pelvis area I feel is where I’m sensing.





    how safe I am, how I feel in my environment. Thoughts, reflections.


    Yeah, and isn’t it interesting also that when people talk about intuition, it’s always like, listen to your gut, listen to your gut, listen to your gut, which I find really strange, if I’m honest with you. For me, it’s like, I think it’s all encompassing. I wanna, which part of the body, I wanna say all of it. But I think it really depends on where you are in your own…




    journey and in your own practice and where you are mentally and where you are what you’re experiencing because depending on who you are I think intuition is a lot of grounding down and in and I think it’s again that misconception that connecting to intuition is up and out and you know connecting to your third eye connecting to your crown connecting to source and then bringing the energy down from on on high.

    And I actually think ice when I, for me personally, as a practice, I’m seeing the energy go up and out and down right into the center of the earth. And I’m just the channel in between it. So I’m the, I’m the intuitive, energetic channel between the sky and the center of the earth. And that’s how I do it personally. But I’ve really noticed.

    Shift in my practice if you would have when I first started really diving in it was all up and out and as things are shifting It’s very much more of a down and in kind of vibe People always comment when I’m really channeling. I always like look up. I always look up to the right hand side It’s just it’s a natural reaction of how I like to channel but energetically, yeah, I think

    I think it’s all encompassing, but I do feel the heart has a massive part. I think when you really drop into the intuitive heart and you really drop into the inner heart and of what that’s guiding you towards and you trust, you begin to trust your heart and open the heart in the ways. Yeah, it comes through regularly in sessions of people, you know, the intuitive heart and doing heart openers and.

    doing twists in the spine and heart openers really kind of shifts the energy to be able to drop in.


    That makes sense because if you’re talking about it being kind of like up and down at the same time, right, the heart is the fulcrum chakra, right, where we’re literally seeing that embodied in the yantra. You know, we have that star of David yantra at the heart center at the chakras. So it is, it’s like up and down at the same time. And, you know, I know for me, it almost feels like two different textures almost of intuition. Like, I feel like the high up one is kind of like the one that’s that texture of like,


    Mm -hmm.


    You know when you solve a problem in the shower and you’re like washing your hair and you just have like a eureka moment, right? And it’s like out of nowhere and it’s like a gift and it just comes in and it reminds me of the one you talked about at the beginning where it’s just like in and gone, right? Really, really fast. So I feel like that’s one texture of it. And then there’s this other texture where it’s going down and in like we’ve been talking about. It’s almost like saturating in the soil or the mud, right? Or planting little roots. Like I always think of the vagus nerve too and how the vagus nerve is.


    Mm -hmm.

    Mm -hmm.


    also sensory, like sensing information from the body, from the organs. So there’s this kind of like slurping almost up of information. And then sometimes there’s something very interesting that you glean from that space. And it’s interesting because as I talk this through, it’s like that space is a little more, you have control or you’re saying like, I want to cultivate and tune into intuition. For me, the ones from up high, like they’ll just come out of nowhere.





    Like I’m not able to do anything so specifically to get them. And even as someone who’s put like 13 Kundalini yoga videos on YouTube talking about like third eye prana activation, honestly, when I do those, I don’t feel like I’m connecting so much to intuition as I’m like clearing myself as a channel. It’s like clearing the spinal cord to be.


    Yeah. Mm -hmm. Yeah.


    like a little transmitter more open to potential messages, but also more able to slurp up information from myself. I don’t know. This is a fun conversation. Where do you want to go with?


    Yeah, because you know, it’s so cool because for me, I’m a big advocate of so for my meditations and when I’m doing psychic guided meditations or taking people on psychic guided meditations to activate your intuitive gifts. Or I always say feet on the earth, feet on the earth, like sit, sit on a chair.

    or and have your feet on the earth so you can truly have a straight spine because when you have a straight spine you can really like the energy can really flow through your body but more importantly you have that earthbound connection because what happens is there’s a lot of people connect to their own intuition or they connect to their spirit team or their guides or they connect to the different realms and

    they then get taken away because they’re not grounded in their body to be able to receive the messages. And so when you cultivate a practice where you can be so rooted and anchored in your body, but feel so energetically open that you’re connected to the up and out, the ethereal realm coming in, it means that you can feel like a rock, you can feel like a stone.

    but feels so light at exactly the same time. And I think it’s cultivating that so that you can be the channel and receive the intuition and have both energetics kind of working together at the same time.


    And yeah, my favorite pranayama technique, which is like a kind of advanced pelvic floor breath is doing exactly that. It’s, it’s rooting and so grounding at the same time. It’s so energizing and it’s why I love it. So I absolutely love what you just described and you mentioned, you know, cultivating our intuitive gifts. And so let’s, let’s circle into that a little bit because the one other time I had someone kind of on the podcast and talking about intuition.

    She really dove into the Claire’s, right? She wants to talk about the Claire’s. Are you Claire Audient, Claire Sentient? And I’m just curious, how does that fit into your philosophy? Is that something we should be paying attention to? I’ve always not felt as connected to it. You know, I’m like, I don’t really know which one I am. It’s just like, I either I’m able to sense into things through my body, like we’ve been talking about, or I kind of get like whacked in the head, like the shower thing out of nowhere. And I don’t know which of those categories that fits into.




    But what when someone wants to enhance their intuition, are you asking them to maybe think about those categories or are you advising them to do other things like give us your download?


    Hmm, yeah.

    I think there’s a lot of pressure to focus on one thing of like, my God, yeah, is it hearing? Is it seeing? Is it knowing? Like, what is the gift? What is the gift? And for me, I like to describe it that we all have access to every single one of those, but they’re on like different channel frequencies. And it just depends on where we’re at, on where we’re at on our journey of what we’re accessing, but also not just where we’re on the journey and our, you know, and how developed the gifts are.

    Sometimes it can be that that’s just how the message wants to come through. It doesn’t want to come through hearing. It wants to come through knowing. And so instead of putting our human mind in that one is better than the other, or we’re not as gifted because we can’t hear things, it’s just knowing that you are a…

    constantly receiving all of the frequencies, all the hearing, seeing, feeling, knowing, smelling, because some people have smelling gifts. And it’s just how that wants to show up. Yeah, I mean, I never saw myself as, when I first, when I was younger, I was like,

    I didn’t think I had hearing gifts. And now in my practice, my hearing gifts is one of the most strongest that I work with. But that’s just an involvement of time. And it also really depends on the client I’m working with or how I’m working with someone else. So yeah, I would take the pressure off and instead go back into noticing, pausing,

    And when something comes up for you, asking yourself, what does this mean for me? What does this mean for me? Because don’t go to Google, step away from Google, everybody. Even with your dreams, please step away from Google. It is the universal, you know, guidebook. Instead, you have this personal connection to source.

    intuition, your guides, whatever, however you like to describe it. Cultivate that personal relationship by just taking a moment to pause and ask, what does this mean for me? What does this feeling mean? What does this symbol mean? What does this knowing mean? What does this vision mean? What does that word that I just heard mean for me? And just taking that moment, that pause is just so transformational and working out what type of message you’re receiving.


    I love the reminder to just ask, you know, and I’m curious, what, what have you just seen work for yourself and your clients? And, you know, cause there’s all these yogis listening to this, right? And they want to be more intuitive and there’s all these little things that I think I know I do. And a lot of yogis do like, maybe we light a candle or maybe we pull. I love Oracle cards, both animal ones and goddess ones. I mean, it’s just fun. It’s just.


    Hehehehe. Yeah.


    away. I think of it as almost intuition gym or warm ups. It’s just like attuning yourself to play in that realm. Not necessarily that you need to take whatever card you pick as literal face value, but it’s kind of just playing in that texture of being open to receiving messages as opposed to nose down in the phone on Wikipedia about something. But what else? Or is there a particular direction you’d…




    point us to what are your thoughts on angel guides versus animal spirit guides versus ancestors. I mean, how do you see all these things fit together in your work?


    Yeah. I mean, I love starting the day asking your guys, what do I need to know today? I mean, it can be done in the shower at the start of the day. If that’s how you know, you start the day with a shower, using the water to clear your energy field and just asking, what do I need to know today? Or maybe you’re, you know, doing a five minute yoga practice to start your day. And as an ending to that, you ask your guides at the end of the practice, what do I need to know today?

    and just see what comes up, see where your mind wanders. It’s really important. A lot of times there’s this kind of misconception that you’re gonna hear some voice of God and they’re gonna come in. It will be your voice. You’re gonna hear your voice. And it’s about noticing where the mind wanders because that is part of receiving the message, receiving the download, noticing, I mentioned themes and patterns earlier, but,

    You know, it’s like you’re reading a book or you’re watching a TV show or you’re overhearing a conversation and it’s the same theme, the same theme keeps coming around. Notice it, it’s a message, it’s intuitive guidance coming through for you of something that you need to look at in your life. As you mentioned, like angel guides and animal guides and in the end, it’s about what do you relate to?

    Because in the end, it’s all the same energy, everything, all of this is all exactly the same energy, it’s just about how the other side bring forward the message to you so that you, it lands for you personally. So it lands and sits and you’re like, I get what that means. And so whether it’s through an angel card or an animal deck or working with ancestors.

    Don’t put, yeah, just go with that. Like that’s what feels really good in the body today to receive that message. And then also be open to like ending something. Like you’ve been working with a certain deck and it doesn’t resonate anymore and it gave you really, you know, and then it’d be like, okay, I’m done with this now, there’s something else. Or I’ve done with ancestor healing. Do you know what? I don’t want to do this anymore. This doesn’t feel right. Like trust the ending of what doesn’t feel right. And one other thing.

    If you are someone that works with an Oracle card deck on the regular, again, that like asking that question of what does this mean for me? Do that before you look at the guidebook that the author wrote or the creator wrote. Again, sit with that card, sit with the energy of it and ask yourself, what does this mean for me? Before reading the book, because you’re gonna get.


    way much more insight and downloads and intuitive, your own personal intuitive guidance before going to the book. Use the book as backup.


    I love that reminder because I do think those of us who are using those texts, we get super addicted to the book, right? We’re just like, I want to look it up right away. And it reminds me of I’m doing, you know, I do additional trainings every single year to try to enhance my knowledge. And I loved one of the ones I’m doing this year. The way the teacher did this is she’s a, you know, Mudra master mistress, right? She knows so much about Mudras and the way she taught us, you’ll love this Natalie, is that she had us do the Mudra.

    We meditate for two minutes holding the mudra. And then she asks us to reflect on where we felt the energy, how we thought the mudra was affecting the flow of prana in our body. And let us have this whole experience and journal on it. And then she shows us her PowerPoint. That’s like, this is according to, you know, the eight books that I’ve cross referenced what this mudra does. And it’s so fascinating because sometimes I was like, yep, that lines up perfectly. And I felt really validated. And other times I was like, you know what?

    Nope, I felt something totally different, but I actually really still like this Mudra for me, for this purpose. And I just love that she let us have our own experience rather than just like whipping us through her presentation. And it just reminds me of what you’re talking about with these oracle cards, like just sitting with it, maybe meditating, set a timer for just two, three minutes. And then sure, if you want to look at the book after, go for it. But just taking that pause to see what it means for us in our…




    body chemistry. I think that’s such a great reminder.


    I love the fact that that teacher did that. That’s just because it’s empowering. Again, it’s like you’re being given that agency to listen to how your body responds to it, how you intuitively work. Because in the end, again, someone can set the intention behind the mood drug, but in the end, it’s about how your energetic body responds to it. And it’s, again, it’s the same with intuition. Just because a teacher told you that you’re


    So great.


    you know, this is a great way to connect to your intuition and your guides will show up X, Y, and Z. Great, that might work for them and it might work for, you know, half the group, but what about the others that don’t? So then they think that their intuition is wrong or that they’re crap at connecting to their own gifts. And I think that’s so powerful because your intuition is going to be, you’re going to connect to your intuition in your own personal way. It’s going to be different.

    every single one of us. And again, it’s the having that time and space to cultivate. How does your intuition want to show up for you? Like for me, I get lots of downloads going out for a walk in nature when I’m walking my dog. I’ve mentioned it already, but like through books and TV shows, if there’s particular or films, if there are themes, I know for me, visuals are really big. So yeah, opening yourself up to how that’s going to come through.

    and be open to being shocked, be open to being surprised, it’s going to come through in weird and wonderful ways is super powerful.


    You’ve mentioned a couple of times our guides, and I just want to, for like someone who is listening, like they just started doing yoga last week and they’re like, okay, wait, just to clarify, you don’t need to know what your guides are or who they are or what they look like to just ask for help or ask for your guides to help you in your morning shower, correct? I mean, is there anything you just want to say, like disclaimer about that for maybe someone who’s just really early?


    Yeah. They’re like, what is she talking about?


    Yeah, you don’t need to know who they are. You don’t need to know anything about them. You can call. How I like to do it is just invite the energy in, shut your eyes, connect with your breath. Breath is really big, as it is in yoga, breath is really big and I find connect for me to connect to my own intuition, dropping into the body. And then, yeah, just saying, you know.

    Yeah, what do I need to know today? But with no expectation of who you’re receiving it from, what they look like. There can be so much pressure, I think, in the spiritual wellness community of like, is your guide galactic? Are they, where are they from? What’s their name? What do they look like? And of course you can go down that rabbit hole if you want to later on. But I like to describe it like you have a whole team as a whole team. You know, you’ll have healer guides.

    But we all have one main guide. There’s one main guide that we’re born with from the minute we’re born until we pass. And this main guide is basically there to look after you, protect you, give you guidance and yeah, just look over you while you’re in this lovely human body.


    And that guide could be human, animal, celestial, anything, but you do think there is one main one.



    Yeah, I do. Yeah. And you can have had previous lives with them too. So you can have multiple lives. You can come back and your guide can, yeah, you can have guides, your guide more than once. Yeah.


    And so do you think the voice of intuition is that guide? Or do you think that voice of intuition is like you? I know.


    I, well, for me personally, I can distinguish the energy between my spirit team, my ancestors and loved ones that pass over. There are different subtle energetic qualities as a channel that I can distinguish between all three of those. So yeah, they all have a different energetic quality to them.

    yeah, and…


    That makes sense. I feel like I feel that a little bit, right? Like there’s different textures. And I love that you mentioned ancestors that have passed on because I find when I just, a lot of times I just literally ask my father who’s passed on or my grandmother who I was so close with, I just ask them for guidance. Or I just say, come sit with me or what might I do? Or I’m just like, I’m open to receiving your wisdom. And I really feel their presence and it’s so beautiful because sometimes…

    know, if you’re someone listening to this and I don’t know, maybe it’s, it’s hard to visualize, you know, a celestial being, or an animal, like you thinking of just people who’ve been pivotal in your life who are no longer with us. I mean, there’s such nourishment and support there. And I do feel like they, they give you incredible, intuitive nudges and information.


    Yeah. 100%. my gosh. Yeah. And you can, again, it’s those inviting them forward. And for me, I get like little shivers or tingles when they’re around. I know people, a lot of people love signs and knowing that their loved ones are around, but loved ones are 100 % always there to support. I love doing, if you want to call them in, just visualizing them walking across a golden bridge. So imagining that they’re on one side of a bridge and you’re on the other side and you’re kind of like both walking,

    the golden bridge to meet in the middle. Yeah that’s a really good nice way if you really want to connect to a loved one who’s passed over.

    Yeah, and our loved ones are around us. They’re there, they watch over us. It comes through in sessions all the time of loved ones coming through and commenting of what’s happening in someone’s life. They’re around, they’re looking after us and can definitely give good intuitive guidance.


    before we let you go and we leave this whole topic, which I could talk to you about for probably like a weekend, you know, one other exercise I did that I thought was really fun in terms of developing intuition. So I’m curious your thoughts on it was sort of like a free association exercise. So I think in this, we went into kind of a, you know, Delta brainwave state or as close as we could get to that. And then,




    You know, we worked with a word or an image and then just thought like free association. Like if I say beach, then I think wave. Then I think my dad, then I think baseball, then I think, you know, cold water, then I think, and just kind of allowing the brain to free associate that way as being a really potentially powerful exercise. It’s essentially daydreaming, which of course as kids were taught is bad and a waste of time, but it’s something as adults, I think we actually want to recultivate. And I find I do it so well when I’m.

    traveling, like on a train, for example. It’s like it’s just my brain can just kind of get into that state. I mean, before we had cell phones with us all the time, we were doing this so much more often. But just curious, any thoughts on, because I think you kind of alluded to something like this earlier. Like if you get an intuitive nudge about something and then it makes you think of something else, and then it makes you think of something else, like kind of following that illogical train.




    Yeah, follow the trail. I always say it’s like you’re the detective and you’re following the trail of where it goes and you’re noticing where the mind wanders because there is imagination in intuition and that’s why kids are so doled in and really intuitive because they’ll allow themselves to go there and follow the visions and dream and that is part of that intuitive.

    energy of cultivating imagination in awake state and in dream state. So really noticing where the visions also go to in dream state as well. But yeah, definitely. I think that’s a great exercise to get you into that space. I also love…

    voice noting so you can do it either through writing if you’re if you love to write just channel right just set no expectation of what wants to come through and just follow the visions and what you’re seeing or what you’re feeling what you’re experiencing or if you’re someone that really connects to your your voice just pull out a voice note and just be like I’m just gonna just say what wants to come through and I always find that really fascinating I think it blows people’s minds when

    they realize what wants to come through.


    Yeah, especially first thing in the morning, if you can do that with like a little dream journal or even if you don’t remember the whole thing or a quick voice note, it’s so incredible how much information we get when we’re sleeping, which is a whole nother topic. But I absolutely love everything we talked about. I’m just like looking at all my notes. I feel like I’m walking away with so many goodies. I think the takeaways, you know, if you’re listening or just finding that pause and the asking, right? Asking for help.


    It is.


    and then just pausing and tuning into the body, allowing for just less structured time, right? You know, time where you just go and pray or go and ask. I mean, I always, I read a lot of historical fiction, but in all of these historical books, everyone’s praying constantly. Like people went to church every day in like Tudor England. Like there was just so much time where regardless of what religion was happening,

    we were just in reflection mode or we were literally on our knees asking, asking for help, praying, and it’s just really gotten lost. So this idea of asking and then pausing and just creating some space for these intuitive nudges, I just have loved this conversation. Is there any last thing you wanna share or make sure people know?


    Yeah, I just loved how you described that bit around, because it is around interacting. Interact with the energy, because I think there’s a misconception that we’re the ones waiting to receive the download. Like we’re waiting instead of, again, taking the action and asking and interacting with the intuitive message. It’s huge. Yes.


    Mm -mm.

    Yes. The interacting, it’s like a friend. It’s like, if you’re not friendly, you know, the friend’s not going to call you and be like, Hey, do you want to go for a walk? Do you want to grab lunch? Like, we all understand that that wouldn’t happen. So unless we’re in a relationship with this energy, even if it seems like it’s one sided at first of us just asking or talking, you know, that’s when the energy is going to come out in place. I think that’s such an important reminder, such a great note to end on.




    Natalie, where can everyone find you if they want to work with you as a channel and a psychic or if they want to immerse themselves in all the different things you offer? Just tell folks how they can stay connected with you.


    Yeah, my website, natalie -miles .com. I’m on Instagram. I am Natalie Miles. And then I do monthly energy forecasts and weekly energy forecasts on the Natalie Miles show where I channel through what you can experience for the week ahead on the energy. And yeah, that’s where you can find me.


    Amazing. So go check out Natalie’s podcast. And if you go back in the archive, you’ll see the conversation that I had on her show. We talked all about death and dying and it’s so juicy and rich. And yes, absolutely check out her forecast because we also consider doing a show on that. Well, maybe we’ll have you back because she started, we met up originally like at the beginning of the year and she told me like the forecast for the year. And I was like, this is incredible.




    Ha ha ha ha.


    So everyone go check her out. Thank you so much for being with us, for listening, for being here to the very, very end. We are so grateful for your presence. Make sure to pause today, take care of yourself, do yoga and listen for those intuitive nudges and ask, play with the energy that you want to interact with. All right, we love you so much and we’ll talk to you all soon. Namaste.