Congratulations, you’re having a baby! Now is the time for questions that lead to research that leads to… TA-DA! More questions. I’ve been there! You’re probably here because you’re caught between two worlds; you’re considering a...
Congratulations! You’re pregnant! Your heart is probably overflowing with the joy of motherhood! ….Aaaaaand your mind is probably filled with at least a few oh crap types of thoughts as you embark on the most epic 40-week rollercoaster ride of your...
In this post How Meditation During Pregnancy Can Help The Expectant MomMy Pregnancy Guided Meditation First of all, if you’re pregnant then a major congrats is in order :)Now, let’s get to the real stuff.The stress of planning for a new baby. The anxiety...
Giving birth is one of the most powerful experiences that any woman can have. Even so, every woman understandably has concerns about how to make sure she has an easy labor. After all, you’re basically shoving a bowling ball out of your lady parts in one dramatic...
You’re embarking on an incredible journey.You’re already so in love with your baby, you can’t wait to meet the newest addition to your family.As an expecting mother, your body is changing before your eyes. You’ve got aches and pains in muscles you didn’t even know you...