Learn How to Live a Fully Yogic Life 🦋
Instead of practicing physical yoga classes and then turning to alternative modalities to fix problems in your dating life, marriage or career…
What if you invested in learning three skills to embody your yoga off the mat to get the results you desire?
I no longer want to strangle my husband! 🤣 I wish I had taken this course sooner!
Amanda S.
Yoga Student & Mom
I learned more in this course than I ever did in YEARS of talk therapy.
Caitlin S.
Yoga Student & Writer
I finally figured out really easy ways to make myself happy!
Melissa S.
Yoga Teacher & Dream Interpreter
The 3 Skills with all the practical examples helped me rediscover what I truly want in the next phase of my life.
Jill H.
Yoga Teacher & Wellness Coach
Believe it or not, less is more…
Believe it or not, less is more.
By embodying just three of yoga’s hundreds of philosophical principles, I revitalized my marriage and made mental peace with the volatile “up-and-down” nature of my business.
🙅🏽♀️ NOT by reading more philosophy books.
🙅🏽♀️ NOT by finally achieving perfection in my personal practice.
🙅🏽♀️ NOT by using some “magic” kriya or meditation.
Just with 3 key skills…

SVADHYAYA: The self-awareness that leads you to look within and discover the best way to nourish yourself in the present moment.

TAPAS: Choosing a non habitual action in order to fuel your transformation and change undesired habits.

ISHAVARA PRANIDHANA: Channeling the energy you expend attempting to control people or outcomes into the faith that everything will work out. Choosing faith over fear.
SAY WHAT!?!?!?

You may have heard svadhyaya translated as “self-awareness” or “self-study.”
But what if it was about pleasure and curiosity?

How intimately do you know yourself?

What little things light you up and spark joy?
While tapas has a meaning in the actual yoga poses—the physical heat we generate in a deep squat like Chair Pose—its meaning goes far beyond this.
Beyond “internal fire,” “discipline” or “motivated, focused energy,” tapas means…

You make getting out your comfort zone FUN, like a game

You've harnessed techniques to break old habits, even if fear is present
Relinquishing control (ishvara prandihana) is by far the most challenging skill because it forces you to confront questions like:

Can you ask for what you need without attachment to a particular outcome?

Can you express your desires without the undercurrent of control?

Can you trust that life will surprise you in a good way?
But what if your healing journey with yoga was meant to be fun and playful?

MONTH 1: SVADHYAYA – Skill #1: Discover Your Radiance
- Awaken your magnetic “Goddess of Fun & Light” energy
- Somatic exercises, embodiment and pleasure practices
- Rediscover you unique energetic frequency with archetypes
MONTH 1: SVADHYAYA – Skill #1: Discover Your Radiance
- Awaken your magnetic “Goddess of Fun & Light” energy
- Somatic exercises, embodiment and pleasure practices
- Rediscover you unique energetic frequency with archetypes
MONTH 2: TAPAS – Skill #2: Change Sh*t Up
- Shakti Energy: Channel your desires
- Shiva Energy: Manifest those desires by cultivating the opposite
- Mastery Over Difficult Emotions (Fear, Anger, Resentment)
MONTH 2: TAPAS – Skill #2: Change Sh*t Up
- Shakti Energy: Channel your desires
- Shiva Energy: Manifest those desires
- Mastery Over Difficult Emotions (Fear, Anger, Resentment)
MONTH 3: ISHVARA PRANIDHANA – Skill #3: Relinquish Control
- Create an unshakable sense of safety in your body
- Leverage what you can control
- Ugly complaints into sexy desires
MONTH 3: ISHVARA PRANIDHANA – Skill #3: Relinquish Control
- Create an unshakable sense of safety in your body
- Leverage what you can control
- Ugly compliants into sexy desires
MONTH 4: Using the 3 Skills with Other People
- Discover, protect and voice your sacred boundaries
- “Cultivate the opposite” to change the dynamic in any relationship, without that person’s conscious effort
- Transform your reltionships with new energy textures
MONTH 4: Using the 3 Skills with Other People
- Discover, protect and voice your sacred boundaries
- “Cultivate the opposite” to change the dynamic in any relationship, without that person’s conscious effort
- Transform your reltionships with new energy textures
Loved my “Yoga Life” book?
Master the 3 Skills of how to live your yoga presented in Chapter 2.
Feel “in flow,” joyful, and alive. (Even if your current circumstances are less than ideal.)
Course provides actionable scripts, cheat-phrases and dozens of real life examples to show how these 3 Skills can solve every challenge

“Yoga Life Makeover” 12 Week Video Curriculum
Uncover the confident, sensual, ALIVE version of you through tantra, somatic yoga, and energy work. Watch your relationships, career, self-talk, and even your wardrobe transform.
Value: $1,200
The “Yoga” of Dealing with Other People
Skyrocket the intimacy (or resolve major issues) with your family, friends, or non-yogi partner without their conscious awareness or participation. Discover more playfulness and joy in your home.
Value: $400
Mailed to You Paper Journal (USA only)
Ensure you take action with lasting results. Companion journal provides specific prompts, practices, and self-assessments that correspond to every single training video. Outside USA recieves a digital copy.
Value: $75
3 Skills Weekly Tracker
Chart your progress week-over-week. Watch your pleasure increase and your results unfold.
Value: $50
3 Skills Coaching Vault
See Brett coach students on how to discover their radiance and embody their yoga across a variety of complex life situations.
Value: $300
Live Calls
Join in LIVE for accountability and group coaching calls to ensure The Skills resolve whatever problem you’re facing right now.
Value: $447
Somatic Yoga Classes
Shed resentment and anger with somatic exercises designed for emotional release.
Value: $137
10 Mini Meditations
Most under 4 minutes so you can integrate them “in-the-moment” when you’re axious or overwhelmed throughout your day.
Value: $97
*Bonus* Personalize Your Yoga Practice Course
Create a physical ritual to fuel the transformation you’re undergoing in the program.
Value: $197
Comes with a paper, companion journal



Access all content immediately + paper workbook and group study calls
Or $499 a month
+ 200-Hour certification

Also includes Yoga Alliance 200-hour YTT
Or $349 a month (Save $524!)
NEED MORE DETAILS? Download the Syllabus
Why do I need this?
This course makes often esoteric yogic wisdom extremely practical so you can live your yoga and reap the benefits TODAY. For example, receive:
- Exact phrases and cheat sheets of what to say in either relationship conflicts or to uphold boundaries.
- Energetic exercises (most under 10 minutes) designed to get you in touch with your creativity and true desires.
- Journaling prompts to rediscover your radiance. Discern what habitual patterns may be holding you back, and exactly how to shift them.
If you love yoga philosophy and asana, but have trouble translating the serenity you find on the mat off the mat, into your interpersonal relationships, then this course is for you.
How do I get the paper companion journal shipped to me?
After you pay your tuition fee (or your first installment if you opt for a payment plan), the physical, gorgeous, full-color guidebook will ship straight to your door (as long as you live in the United States). Although we unfortunately cannot ship outside of the United States at this time, those living internationally will still be able to receive a printable digital copy of the guidebook.
How do I register this course for Yoga Alliance Continuing Ed?
- 24 hrs under YPLE Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle + Ethics
- 6 Hours TTP (Techniques, Training and Practice)
- Total YCEP Hours = 30 hours.
What skills are covered?
Yoga Self Mastery covers many skills, including how to leverage the polarity of masculine and feminine energy, archetypes, and energy work. But the foundation of this program is the three skills of kriya yoga (yoga in action):
Even the most devoted yogis I’ve worked with are still saturated in “hustle culture,” “victim” mindset and have absolutely no idea what pleasurable activities ignite their radiance. This blocks them creatively, financially and with their intimate partner.
What’s familiar feels safe. But growth is all about doing new things that terrify you. Through embodied yoga and intuitive movement, learn to create safety in your body so you can start doing things differently to create lasting change.
Perfectionist? People pleaser? Control-freak? It’s time to channel all the energy you waste attempting to control people or outcomes into faith that the world is your benevolent playground. Leveraging archetypes, overlooked tantric teachings and polarity practices, access the ease and flow you’re craving.
Is Yoga for Self Mastery a good time/place to work through mental or emotional blocks? What if I’m at a crossroads or feeling stuck?
Yes. You need this NOW! This program is designed to help you gain clarity on aspects of your life beyond the yoga mat (marriage, kids, career) and also prompts you to explore aspects of your childhood and upbringing. Bring your blocks to your private coaching sessions or group sessions when they run. Yoga for Self Mastery is by nature a transformational experience. If you’re feeling stuck or need a change in any area of your life, the wisdom and easy-to-implement techniques of the ancient science of yoga, wrapped in Brett’s unique method, will inspire you on your path.
I’m already an Uplifted member or Yoga Teacher Training grad – should I take this?
DOUBLE YES! A discount code is available to you. Search your inbox. Email info@upliftedyoga.com if you can’t find it.
How do the live calls work?
Yoga for Self Mastery live group study calls are held at different points throughout the year. If you’re enrolled, three weeks before the live calls start you’ll recieve an email with information on how to join via Zoom. These calls are led by a trained Yoga for Self Mastery 500-Hour Yoga Teacher and Coach. There are also several calls a year with Brett herself and a supportive Facebook Private Group where you can share wins and ask questions.
What if I have an injury?
Enroll! There are only 3 yoga practices (of over 40 videos) so this program is ideal if you’re not able to do traditional yoga asana right now. Learn how to adjust your yoga through the “Personalize Your Practice” bonus, your mindset, improve your physical and mental self-awareness, and empower your healing journey. Practicing self-love and compassion is just one aspect of what we explore, as well as how to develop a delicious spiritual practice that is more than just the physical practice.
How many years of yoga experience do I need to have?
Will the course cover living a yogic lifestyle?
100% Yes! Yoga for Self Mastery covers the three skills of yoga in action (how to live your yoga), meditation, pranayama breathing, tantra, somatics, energy work, igniting your best life through movement, and bringing yogic philosophy into your daily life to SOLVE your real problems. Learn breathing, asana, meditation and embodiment techniques to continue on your yoga journey for years to come. This is all presented through the unique framework of Brett’s “three skills” to discover your essence, presented inside the program.
Can I take this course while pregnant?
Yes! What a wonderful gift for you and your baby. Asana (yoga postures) are not the focus here, but still, always check first with your healthcare provider that it’s safe for you to exercise and enjoy yoga or if there is a certain type of yoga or breathwork to avoid.
What’s the refund/cancellation policy?
Students have instant permanent, lifetime access to all video material and printable workbook. Tuition is non-refundable. You may continue to join Yoga for Self Mastery study groups and live calls for as long as they are offered.
What payment options do you accept?
Can a friend take this course with me?

I went from being single, debilitatingly anxious, and an insomniac with complex PTSD to…
Marrying the love of my life, conquering my crippling fears around work, finances, and success, while healing my body and innovating online yoga teacher trainings, years before the rest of the market.
But after waves of personal and professional “success” – burnout hit. Overworked and overwhelmed, at a rock bottom place in my personal life, I leveraged overlooked tantric teachings and embodiment practices to find a way through.
Having made it to the other side, I decided to create a course that helped yogis and healers EMBODY THEIR RADIANCE. 🦋
So you feel confident, sensual, “lit up,” and alive. Earn more, impact more, and create more from your unique essence.
This Yoga for Self Mastery curriculum is the exact formula I used to go from “burned-out” to “blissful” and “anxious” to “anchored.” This material saved my marriage, revitalized my passion for my business, and gave me the confidence to celebrate the parts of myself I’d been ashamed of and hiding for decades. I want this for you!
Are you ready to invest in your healing?