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Jumpstart your yoga practice safely, at-home, today!
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About this Series
Have you tried beginner yoga videos in the past and felt COMPLETELY LOST?! Or screamed, “My body doesn’t DO that!” It’s not you! The majority of “beginner” yoga videos aren’t designed for total newbies who’ve never set foot on a yoga mat. This unique series, compiled from 5 years of feedback from over 100,000 beginner students, has been designed by Brett to make yoga accessible to people of all shapes and sizes, regardless of their age, flexibility or athletic ability.
See each yoga pose broken down and explained before every class (LEARN before you DO)
Features real students who’ve never done yoga before, just like YOU!
Walk away understanding the breath, alignment and names of yoga’s basic postures
About this Series
Have you tried beginner yoga videos in the past and felt COMPLETELY LOST?! Or screamed, “My body doesn’t DO that!” It’s not you! The majority of “beginner” yoga videos aren’t designed for total newbies who’ve never set foot on a yoga mat. This unique series, compiled from 5 years of feedback from over 100,000 beginner students, has been designed by Brett to make yoga accessible to people of all shapes and sizes, regardless of their age, flexibility or athletic ability.
See each yoga pose broken down and explained before every class (LEARN before you DO)
Features real students who’ve never done yoga before, just like YOU!
Walk away understanding the breath, alignment and names of yoga’s basic postures
About Brett

Brett’s “Beginner Morning Yoga Routine” on Youtube has introduced yoga to over a million students worldwide with rave reviews. She’s the founder of Uplifted Yoga, an online yoga and meditation community empowering students to personalize their practice and ignite their best life – on and off the mat. She’s instructed at top studios, companies like Google and Pinterest, and on retreats around the world. Today, she runs her own teacher training programs and teaches to a social media following of over 100K people.